Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Saturday, December 10, 2011


See the young gentleman in the green shirt seated with his back to the wall and facing toward us?  He is our waiter.  He and the other young man are supposed to be wrapping tableware in napkins and waiting on the customers.  Our waiter is text messaging.  Can you tell he is concentrating on his phone? It took forever for us to get our drinks and I had to ask another waiter to help us.   Our waiter would put down the phone and start wrapping only when the manager entered the room.  As soon as the boss left again, OW (our waiter) was back to texting. Where was the sugar we requested for our coffee?  I got up and found some on another table.  We needed a couple of carry out boxes.  I found those also.  After we had licked (and scraped) the platters clean, OW brought the check and asked if we needed anything. 

Yes I left the normal tip and did not complain.  Why?  Because OW gave us another moment of "thanks for the shocking entertainment and story that will go on my blog".   Plus we eat there a lot and my grandkids tell me if we make waves we will end up with someone spitting in our food next time.

Can anyone tell me why people are out of work when a restaurant can't replace this dude with someone willing to actually work?


  1. He must be related to the boss or else he just has the boss fooled into thinking he is irreplaceable. Old fashioned service is hard to find anymore.

  2. I like that the font treatment makes it look like you are speaking in a hushed tone. :)

    To your question - I don't know, but it makes me crazy to see someone ignore customers like that.

  3. I was going to say exactly what Rae did.

    Unlike you, I would not have left a tip. Still would have made an "I'm blogging this!" moment.

  4. He is not out of work, because people like you keep him employed.

  5. My daughter is an executive for a popular company and she's in charge of 27 folks most older than she. You wouldnt believe what I hear from her about people having entitlement issues. I mean seriously, if they are breathing for themselves they think they deserve a bonus and heaven forbid anyone say anything to them at all about their work correctness or ethic and they will say quickly they'll need to talk to someone about being spoken to in that way.. its sad really that these are the people we have raised and now represent who will be in charge when we can no longer care for ourselves.. its actually scary to me. and we wonder why our country is in the shape its in. It isnt just an incident like this- its an overall mentality and permeates the entire work force..

  6. I wouldn't have put a normal tip down either. How terribly irritating! I'll bet he is a relative. Sheesh!

  7. I don;t think I'd have left a tip or maybe even have stayed. sandie

  8. Wow, that was nice of you. I would have probably said something. Mr. RK works with a couple of people who literally just surf the web all day. I have no idea why they are employed.

  9. You know what makes me sad? That poor customer service is becoming such a normal thing that even mediocre service stands out as being stellar anymore.

    lol, Annie - at least he did give you something he didn't even suspect he was serving up (and wouldn't he die of embarrassment if he knew! lol)

  10. Simply put...Management. Or lack there of. The manager is the one who needs fired.

  11. If you can determine that he is NOT related to the boss or the owner, I'd complain bitterly. He needs to be taught a lesson, and the job should be given to someone who actually wants to work. We had a very attentive waitress at a restaurant tonight, and I tipped an extra $1.

  12. I think Rae may be right but no matter...I wouldn't have left him a tip period!

  13. Rae – He could have been related to the boss or owner because it appeared none of his hard working co-workers were ratting him out.

    Lynn – You know the feeling of working in the area of customer service and making every effort to give good care to your clients. That makes it even more difficult to see someone abusing their trust.

    Bonnie (BIZ) -- I would have to say it make me a bit crazy too. Why else would I blog about it? LOL

    Tabor – I would hate to be responsible for anyone losing there job and who knows, he may have had a family emergency that he was having to text about. However he was laughing a lot and hiding it from the boss so……

    Sonny – “If they are breathing for themselved they think they deserve a bonus…” What a great quote!

    Kay – The more I think about it, the more the relative idea seems right.

    Chatty Crone – I was tempted to leave but no way would my spouse have gone with me. He doesn’t like it when I get all caught up in some drama that’s none of our business. After all preserving our freedom was his job.

    Riot Kitty – If text addicts are going to text while driving you know they are going to text at work also. I would not allow their cell phones in the workplace period.

    Talon – I kind of wish I could send him the picture and the blog entry:)

    Cliff – You are absolutely right. My feelings exactly.

    Judy (kenju) – Cliff made a good point that management is at fault and that would be especially true if the kid is a relative.

    Changes in the wind – As I said earlier, we eat there a lot and don’t want to burn any bridges but I was difficult to leave him a nice tip. Next time we will ask for the good waiter.

  14. I recently had just the opposite experience and it was at fast food place on top of that. The waitress really went out of her way to make sure we had what we needed, everything was okay, and we were happy with all. And on top of all that the place was spotless.
    But I have to go with Cliff it is management.

  15. You know what, thats simply his style.! Good you placed decent tip for him, else you would have had me questioning your sense of Liberty here! :-P

  16. Your grandkids are probably right about the spit, but I would have pulled the manager aside to let him know he needed to keep in eye on YW(your waiter). I worked in foods for many years and I'm not afraid of spit in my food. I do not tip well if I have crappy service, I do not hesitate to call the employee out on it, either. I make management aware because if they don't know they have a problem they can fix it. On the flip side, I always make sure to let management know when I've had exceptional service also.

  17. I read this yesterday but didn't have time to comment. But I remembered this post. My son was talking about his new workplace and how different the workers are now. He said most of them are just putting in the time, not really doing the work..just enough to get by..He said one guy was fired for spitting on the floor when one of the bosses was speaking to him about his slackness..
