Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, July 26, 2024

FACE OFF FRIDAY and ART FOR FUN...07-26-2024

 FOR NICOLE AND GILLENA   Pencil sketch for JKPP from 2014 with marker coloring.  

Elizabeth, 2014 from sketch to EAGHL Markering


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday Art and Dinner Date 07-25-2024

Thursday Art and Dinner Date 07-25-2024  

RAIN'S Theme is MOUSE today...

"Out On A Limb" by eaghl. I am pretty sure this was a stalk of wheat. It was fun to try to draw.


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WORDS FOR WEDNESDAY ... -07-24-2024

Charlotte (MotherOwl) is providing the prompts on her blog. 

For today the prompt are:
Opera Mints

The eagle's  TAILFEATHER fell and interrupted his precision steering.  He landed on top of the BUILDING.  It was difficult to find any TREES in New York.  The METAL rod held this majestic bird steady.  From the perch he adopted this strange fog aviary and watched the people below.

A handsome couple walked through the apartment house exit.  The doorman, dressed in a long CLOAK, tipped his hat and helped the Ashenhursts climb into a taxi.  They were lifted in the spirit of the moment and her husband  handed her one of his OPERA MINTS (a delightful combination of sugar coated chocolates with taste of peppermint and mint) to enjoy on the ride.  She was very careful to pop the mint in her mouth to avoid dropping it on her lovely pale ivory LINEN dress.

BOOTS and Dollie were definitely in the SPIRIT of the moment.  It would be a WHOLE evening of delight.  Then it happened...Dollie's PHONE rang in her purse.  She tried to avoid answering but it continued to RING. The evening came to an abrupt end.  It was a family emergency and sadly the night was over. 

The loss of a single tailfeather had not rendered the eagle flightless.  He has recovered and decided to head home, sorry that he could not follow Mr. and Mrs. Ashenhurst to the Opera.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING...07-21-2024

 My house is a zoo...a wonderful zoo full of my son and a grandson and a grand-dog plus me and my dog and soon my best friend will arrive . 

My son has been cooking on the Traeger grill all weekend and our bellies are full.  The house smells delicious and today we are going to enjoy pulled pork from a Boston butt roast that has been cooking all night. Plus we will have baked potatoes and corn on the cob.

Yesterday the guys cooked bratwurst and cheese stuffed jalapeno sausages.  They baked a Dutch Apple Pie then pizza later all on the grill. It was a celebration of finally reaching my goal weight.  I will not dare to step on the scales again until I have had a couple of days (weeks)  to work this weekend off but do not want to work off the weekend memory. It has been great.

Maverick 17 months old

Son and grandson the chefs (grandson is actually a professional chef.)

Our hot weather has turned cool so we're adding a warming fire to set around.

My Frankie acting as guard

Maverick would like to help with grilling (eating)

Friday, July 19, 2024

FACE OFF FRIDAY and ART FOR FUN...07-19-2024

 FOR NICOLE AND GILLENA  This had to go very fast and my hands are very shaky.  Pencil sketch with computer coloring on several levels.  Had to quit before it got worse.  This is for DVArtist Nicole's Friday Face Off and my first addition to ART FOR FUN Gillena

High School friend by eaghl

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Charlotte (MotherOwl) is providing the prompts on her blog.  Her colour of the month is pale ivory.

 For today the prompt are:

Mary stood alone on the stage preparing to deliver a SOLILOQUY. With GENTLE care she placed her script on the TABLE.  The silence in the room kept her PANIC in check.  Faces that stared back at her made Mary wonder if they would throw STONES at the end of her tale. She stared at the decorative bowl of QUINCE and ROSES to maintain her mental ORDER. She was so drained from worry that she stood there like a PALE IVORY statue.

Mary swallowed and cleared her throat ready to begin. "It happened on the night of the HARVEST MOON. This precious young girl with ringlets of GOLDEN hair ran screaming through the tall corn. The stiff growth in the field seemed to reach for the child and CUT her bare arms and legs..." 

The story continued for an hour. Applause erupted from the crowd as Mary concluded her spell binding composition.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING...07-14-2024

 This has happened before in the USA.  Attacks on Presidents and/or Presidential candidates.  I have lived long enough to remember the Kennedy Assassination and the attempt on President Reagan and two attempts on President Ford . We were very sad, angry and caught up in those moments.  But it is not just happening here.  It has gone or around the world where country leaders and dignitaries are suddenly attacked.  We are shocked by the persons who suffer from mental conditions and poor decisions or are influenced by others to step out and attempt murder. We are saddened by deaths and injuries of innocent bystanders ... we move on...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Art and Dinner Date 07-11-2024



Rain's word for today is BENCH.  This one is outside my backdoor. byeaghl/24

BENCH Digital color art by eaghl 2024

Revert image to pencil sketch. BENCH by eaghl 2024


Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Monday, July 08, 2024

Sunday, July 07, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING...07-07-2024


Wednesday morning I had 13 hens.  That night when I closed the house I only  had 12.  Got in my golf cart and circled the property in terrible heat.  No luck finding the lost chicken or her remains.  It was another sad night for me. Some predator had swooped in and claimed dinner. Could have been that scrawny coyote or one of the neighbor's dogs or a black bear (yikes).

Thursday morning I had 12 hens.  The heat index that day was 109.  Thursday night I counted 11 hens.  Searched in the hen house and found one poor girl dead in the corner from heat exhaustion.

Friday and Saturday we went to the local Chicken Swap Meet.  I purchased four very healthy girls for the brood..  Right now they are in a big cage in the pen getting acquainted with the 11. Last time we brought in some new girls the existing hens beat them up.  This time we will leave the new ones in their own cage while they get acquainted with the clan. When we turn them loose with the group I have no concerns about the new girls because I am betting they can whoop the others. These four new girls are big, healthy, beautiful and able to stand their ground.


Cannot wait to let them out and take a good close up of them.

These are a little far South from me but some have been spotted near here.