Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Yes, if there is a will, there is a way.  I was selected for the ALS Ice bucket challenge.  I could not bring myself to dump ice on me no matter the cause that it would help but I did not want to offend the friend who gave me the challenge.  I came up with the idea of surrogates.  I picked a surrogate pour-ee, a surrogate pour-er and surrogate ice.  And I made my contribution to ALS.  I did not pass the challenge on to anyone else and now I am done and you are all safe from me. Have any of you taken the challenge? They say this crazy challenge has raised a ton of money for ALS research.
My art manikin prepares to make the pour.
And the female art manikin representing me receives the surrogate ice.


  1. I love that take on the ice bucket challenge. :)

  2. A perfect (and very creative) way to get the job done. I think everyone in my family has done it....they have had fun with it and sent some nice checks.

  3. Anonymous8:54 AM

    No I have not taken the challenge. It is a good cause, though.

  4. I haven't taken it...yet...but everyone else in the family has, and contributed as well.

    Thank goodness those mannikins are the only ones I have seen doing it bare ass naked!

  5. I think the contribution is the most important part of the challenge. You did the right and clever thing. It is amazing how this has caught on. Wonder what the next gimmick will be for another charity?
    I sent a check--no ice water though a couple of days here in the plus hundreds, it might have been a relief.

  6. You cheated - heehee - that's okay = it raised over 12 million dollars!

  7. Brilliant take on a challenge for a really, really great cause.

  8. My goodness, I donate money every year to this cause and am the only one I know who has not taken the challenge or been required to...thank goodness.

  9. Well done, GA. The challenge is such a lot of fun (says someone who hasn't had a bucket of ice and water tossed over her head)and has raised a bucket-load of money...all for a very good cause.

    It's great to have something to smile about for a change...too much bad news around these days.

  10. I like your solution! I wonder if you curled those ribbons especially for this, or if you're like me you had kept them from a gift.They're still good: you can use them again!

  11. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I'm not on Facebook so my challenges have been limited, but I'd just donate if I was asked, I'm not dumping ice water on me. Especially since it's going to be winter here shortly. Lol. Unless I have a major hotflash, then that will change everything.

  12. Ha ha, very creative! I just noticed my older daughter has been nominated to do it on Facebook and I just know she will. It's a great idea but it's already caused one death here in the UK with a young lad dying as a result of it.

  13. OMG! That is so awesome!!

  14. Can you ever forgive me? My memory takes vacations and it was on one the day I wrote that post. OK it IS!! (and I changed it.)

    Good job on the surrogates. I'd just rather donate and not pour ice. lol

  15. That is one way to escape the ice bucket challenge.

    My youngest daughter was challenged and I was chosen to tape the event. Well, she spoke (hesitated) so long that when she actually did it, the phone had stopped taping right before the icy event.

    When I told her what had happened, it was an 'Oh, Fudge!' moment.

    So we're getting ready to do it a second time, and I told her to just shut up and do it.

    She did, but not before threatening to challenge me to being rinsed in iced water myself.

    I gave her the 'mom' look and she backed off.

    I'm still dry, but I'm watching my back.

  16. Well done! I wouldn't dump ice water on myself. If I want to give money to a charity, I'll just give money to a charity. It's great that the campaign has done so well, but I'm going to skip it.

  17. I love it! This is too funny. I do have friends who have taken the ice bucket challenge. I wish they'd do it for breast cancer and Alzheimers. Those are my worries.

  18. That was such a creative twist to the challenge. Brilliant!

  19. My daughter n hubby did it. Me- not yet. I'm not afraid of ice, but would rather have money to pour out to begin with...

  20. Sorry to be a sour puss but I really question the 'friend' who would give you such a challenge.
    By all means support charities but not as a threat to your health.
    False friend!
