Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, April 20, 2012


"Can you relate?"


  1. Hello Annie ~~ I never get bored as there doesn't seem enough hours in the day. Probably because I do everything so slowly. My strep throat is better and the awful earache that went with it. I feel really good again at last - thanks for the Huzzah ( never heard of that one, but get the meaning)My toenail apparently is NOT ingrown said the podiatrist but it is still sore. I am soaking it in salt water and I think there is something in it. Funny, you reckon you had an AAADD week my friend.My life seems to be
    AAADD - no time to get bored. Glad you liked the jokes and story of "What Goes Around" Take care dear Annie, Love and Hugs, Merle.

  2. Ha - that guy looks a little like Jackie Chan. :)

    I have so much stuff loaded on my DVR that I am either reading, catching up on DVRd stuff or yeah, surfing the 'net when I'm home. :) So not too much chance to be bored.

    Happy Friday, GA!

  3. Merle -- Now I feel guilty because there are times when I am bored. It is not that I don't have plenty of productive things to do, it's just that I sometimes choose not to:) So I guess my boredom is a choice.

    Changes in the wind -- Yea Monica. I knew you would relate. Not that I don't know how busy you are:) Hey, why does your book have a big mark over it on your sidebar???

    Lynn -- Yes, I'm betting that was supposed to be Jackie Chan. It couldn't be a coincidence.

    I DVR a lot of shows too and my family is startled when they come here and see that I have DVR'd Judge Judy. LOL

    Happy Firday to you. I am off to Tulsa for the kid's band banquet. We have another senior this year so more tears.

  4. Yeah I do that when it's the middle of the night and I can't go outside.
    RE: Merle's comment about her toe. I just read Ben Franklins sure fire remedy for a tooth ache. He said to soak the tooth in vinegar and lay it in the hot sun to dry for and hour.

  5. I do not know if it is boredom or just inability to stick to anything for any length of time!!

  6. Yeah, I agree. I check e-mail and blog then go outside spray a few weeds then come inside check my e-mail and blog then go move stuff around in the the van then come inside check my e-mail and blog . . . well, you get the idea.

  7. Well to be honest - I am never board on the internet or off - lol. sandie

  8. Oh yeah. This is very much me. ;)

  9. This is me, too! Constantly checking my two email accounts and Facebook. It's kind of like TV. You find something good about one time in 100. But I love my virtual friends!

  10. Cliff -- Well, that Ben Franklin sure knew the perfect cure. Hey, whatever happened to your plans to video blog?

    Tabor -- You are probably right. We are driven by the belief that we always have to be doing something and sometimes that boils down to computer. Love the BOING on your Room Without Walls!

    Ralph -- Glad you stopped spraying long enough to comment on my blog. Where the heck have you been? Have you published anymore Homespun Headlines? Your darling Taylor would find the same surprise of "nothing" under my hat too. It's okay for granddads but not so great for grandmoms.

    Chatty Crone -- I have to start worrying about you Sandie. You are ALWAYS happy and your say you are NEVER bored. What is this world coming to? LOL Maybe coconut oil is helping you too:) I won't be able to use it if the time comes because I'm allergic to coconut. Yikes!

    Dani -- Oh I would have to think you are the least bored person in the world, especially now that you have all those darling new puppies!

    Riot Kitty -- No, you're not bored because your mind is constantly working on lists, like the "after dental surgery" instruction sheet. How sweet of Mr. R.K. to offer to avoid the chips and salsa.

    Susan Adcox -- Isn't that one good belly laugh worth all the searching! Between blogs and facebook you never have to go far to find a good start to your day. I enjoyed the photo on your blog today of the cute cowboy tot getting ready for Grandma Camp!

  11. I'm so busy n tired lately, I struggle to find time to read these days- n keep falling asleep at the chair... Bored- not so much.

  12. that may be how I became addicted to
    right now I'm killing zombies with a pea shooter

  13. If I find myself bouncing between TV, books, and browsing online, I know I need to DO something. Wash dishes, write a blog post, call someone, go for a walk - anything that's ACTIVE instead of passive. That's a sure cure for boredom.

  14. Bored? I don't know if that's the word. I sure do like it when I get comments from my blog friends. It makes my day :-)
