Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Saturday, December 07, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING...12-07-2024

 I have been off the grid.  Very bad shoulder pain.   Yesterday a second round of shots were given in both shoulders and withing one hour that pain was gone. Hopefully for three months.  Eventually I will have shoulder replacements.   

Hip pain is back, the first since my second hip replacement September, 2021. Sadly the hip pain is very slow to go away.  X-rays did not show any fracture in my left hip.  This time it seems to be bursitis.  Still they gave me a shot.  Still hopeful... My belief is that it was caused from shoveling chicken poop this past Monday.

Idea for my chickens...




  1. Glad the shoulder shots have helped. I hope the hip shot does too.

  2. I am so sorry. I have had bursitis of the hip and hope never to have it again. I do hope you pain settles. And stays settled.

  3. I hope your pain settles down!

  4. I wish you all the very best, Annie. Hopefully, your pain will disappear sooner than later. Keep taking good care. My thoughts are with you. :)

  5. Go away pain, don't be picking on our friend! I hope you feel better soon!

  6. I hope the pain settles and goes away. I have never heard of shoulder replacements, soon you will be part robot ha ha.

  7. I'm praying you feel better quickly. It's not easy and your horror movie for chickens is too funny.
