Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, December 18, 2022


 I am taking a break until 2023.  May your holiday celebrations sparkle with precious moments of laughter, love, and goodwill. I wish you a year full of contentment and joy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Friday, December 09, 2022


The prompts will be here this month, provided by Elephant's Child.

This week's prompts are:

Candles, Everyone, Nine, Days, Heart 


Aunt, Strike, Bullet, Ballet,Missed 


They lit the CANDLES and every BULLET missed.  EVERYONE laughed as NINE shots were fired and there was not a single STRIKE.  The flames danced like an undisturbed BALLET dancer. Our AUNT was aghast at the number of shots that were MISSED.  She pressed her hand to her HEART and exclaimed that this had to be the devil's DAYS.


Thursday, December 08, 2022



Cowboys Didn't Actually Wear Cowboy Hats

 Those big Stetsons that everyone associates with cowboys like John Wayne, Billy the Kid, or Wyatt Earp? Yeah. Cowboys didn't wear those. In fact, the hat of choice for the 19th century cowboys was actually a bowler hat. Go figure.

Monday, December 05, 2022

Friday, December 02, 2022

WORDS FOR WEDNESDAY - 11-30-2022 on FRIDAY 12-02-2022

This month, the prompts are being provided by messymimi'smeanderings.

This week's prompts are:















NO THANK YOU by Granny Annie


Ellie was only eight years old.  It was her belief that the gift was a great bargain.  Their next door neighbor  had given her a wagon full of turnips.  He had just pulled them out of his garden.  Ellie knew her mother would be thrilled with this modest gift. Sadly the child's outlook had been wrong.  It did differ from her mother's response.

"Do you even know what turnips are?" her mother demanded peering over her glasses at Ellie.  "Why would you accept such a gift without even knowing what you were bringing home?  I will cook some of these for your dinner tonight and you can eat them all!"

Late in the night Ellie slipped out of her house. It wasn't easy to lift the remainder of the  gift over the man's fence. Ellie had included a social letter to the neighbor.  She put it with the load of turnips she was returning.  It read, "Thank you but no more turnips please".

Thursday, December 01, 2022


Did We Mishear Neil Armstrong’s Famous First Words on the Moon?

On July 20, 1969, an estimated 650 million people watched in suspense as Neil Armstrong descended a ladder towards the surface of the Moon.

As he took his first steps, he uttered words that would be written into history books for generations to come: “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”

Or at least that’s how the media reported his words.

But Armstrong insisted that he actually said, “That’s one small step for a man.” In fact, in the official transcript of the Moon landing mission, NASA transcribes the quote as “that’s one small step for (a) man.”



Tuesday, November 29, 2022



Join in every Tuesday.  This is hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus.


How we know Winter is coming.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

WORDS FOR WEDNESDAY - 11-23-2022 on SATURDAY 11-26-2022

 This month, the prompts are being provided by messymimismeanderings.

This week's prompts are:







and/or this photo

NEW NEIGHBORS by Granny Annie

Sylvia did not mind the opening in her fence as long as nobody lived next door.  She believed if neighbors moved in they could talk at the opening in the fence.  Maybe share a cup of coffee or two. However when the Wilson's moved in things did not turn out as Sylvia had hoped.  They brought along their huge dog Killer.

Killer was kept on a leash every time one of the Wilson's went out.  That was okay.  There were occasions though when Killer would escape the house and push his gigantic head through the fence opening. Sylvia knew it was just a matter of time before Killer would get into her yard.

Sylvia was not well acquainted with the Wilson family. They had not seemed friendly when she tried to visit with them.  She decided the best form of communication would be to depend on the mail.  She sent them a letter describing her concerns and they responded by yelling at her when she was outside.  They screamed that she should repair the opening in her fence.  It was actually the Wilson's fence and was on their property line so she informed them of that in another letter rather than yelling at them. 

It was time to solve this concern.  Sylvia found an old shelf board in her garage that was just the right size and she nailed it across the opening in the fence. No, it was not a pretty fix but it did the job.  Killer could not get in her yard.

Killer did not like the fence being blocked.  He had enjoyed peeking his head through.  His only alternative was to dig under.  He worked most of the night was was fully in Sylvia's back yard when she came out in the morning.  

Sylvia screamed her final word "help!".

Thursday, November 24, 2022



Turkeys lived around 10 million years ago.

The woolly mammoth had its hey-day on Earth until about 10,500 years ago before eventually becoming extinct 4,000 years ago. While it's hard to imagine a turkey flying above a gigantic woolly mammoth, the birds have actually been around for a lot longer. In fact, turkeys have been on the scene for almost 10 million years, according to the University of Illinois.

To those who celebrate this day.


Thursday, November 17, 2022



A Woman Was Elected to Congress Before Women Could Vote

Jeanette Rankin

A woman was elected to the U.S. Congress before women could even vote.  Jeanette Rankin joined Congress in 1916, which was four years before women could actually vote. The 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote wasn't passed until August 18th, 1920.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022



This month, the prompts are being provided by messymimi's meanderings.

This week's prompts are:








and/or the following phrases:

a day late and a dollar short

my cup of tea

a home bird


 LIVE AND LEARN by Granny Annie


Marchelle knew it was time to go out in public.  All her life she had been affected by agoraphobia and was a home bird fearing to leave familiar surroundings. She called the dump to see if they would grant a favor.  "Please don't empty the last truck in the landfill" she begged.  "I must search for my coin!"  It was not a request the owner was willing to grant. Marchella went there anyway and would politely tap at the entrance. Her fear of being outside was gone as her heart pounded for this lost treasure.


She had made every effort  to bring her trash back in before it could be picked up.  She gave them a basic story,  "I was sipping my cup of tea after searching everywhere for my coin. Then I suddenly remembered my lost coin could be in the container on the way to the dumping ground.  I ran to the curb and sadly I was a day late and a dollar short.  The empty container was waiting for me to push back to the house."


Eventually the sanitation department took pity on her and allowed her entrance. She went into shock seeing the mountains of garbage that stood before her.  Suddenly she was thrilled her to see Ivan, Marchella's regular collector.  He was just pulling in with the truck.  "Stop Ivan!" 

With his help she spotted her trash bags and began ripping them open.  By God's mercy she saw this rare coin come tumbling out.  Her lesson for the day was to check the trash for lost items before carrying it out.  The second achievement for this day was that she could go outside safely and Marchella just might do that again.