Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, June 09, 2013

tiny little update

If you are interested in my diet pill Qsymia results so far, I have lost 7 pounds in three weeks and have not had any side effects.  I have moved from1/2 dose to full dosage capsules.  My appetite has greatly decreased but I'm not sure if it is the pill or a placebo effect.  For more information see my earlier post Skeptically Hopeful.


  1. Congrats on the weight loss and I'm happy to know you aren't suffering side effects. You keep going, Annie! I know you can do it, chica. :)

  2. I'm glad to hear it is working so well for you. Whether pill or placebo those are great results.

  3. Ileana -- I just hope it eventually will be a less expensive over the counter drug because they say it will be a lifetime pill. I do feel better and have a lot more energy.

    Jeanie -- The results are a little better than expected so I am anxious for my medical check up. The wierd part is that I am not eating enough calories. That is certainly not a problem I've ever had before.

  4. Why does it have to be lifetime? Can you not just change you lifestyle once you do not have so much weight to lug around? My weight loss has not been nearly as nice...and I am working my a** off as you know! Glad you are feeling no side effects!!

  5. I might ask my doctor about those - but you said they were expensive and no insurance - right? sandie

  6. Tabor -- You are asking the same question I plan to ask at my next appointment. Perhaps it is because I have tried everything on my own to control my appetite and haven't been able to do it so possible there is no hope for me. Health wise I've got to get this weight off.

    Chatty Crone -- Yes I believe $150 per month is very expensive. However some people spend a lot more on other kind of weight loss plans so probably it is in line. I was considering NutriSystem or Jenny Craig and those would be over $300 for my food alone and still would have to have groceries for Ron. I am on the lookout for more coupons. Right now a person's BMI has to be over 30 to qualify for a prescription.


  7. I'm glad to hear its working for you and you're worth lots more than 150.00 a month:) you go Girl~!

  8. Hey that's great - I hope it keeps working for you.

  9. Good job loosing seven pounds. My weight does not budge, but I am on asthma med and I cannot take any diet pills as they will race my heart.

  10. I am impressed. Keep us informed.

  11. If it works for you and there are no bad side effects, then you go, girl.

  12. I'm envious - I have lost about that much in two months! Congrats and keep going!

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  15. Woohoo! That's awesome!
    BTW I found out about another woman I work with who takes Topamax for migraines. She lost a bunch of weight, has no migraines and NO side effects. She loves it!

  16. i thought about this earlier this year, but have dropped 40 pounds without a pill and i am very happy. Best of luck to you, i know of others who have even had surgery to lose weight because it is so unhealthy!
