Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, February 24, 2012


This is post number five in my personal marathon.

Here is one of my 2012 submissions to the Julie Kay Portrait Party.    I dropped out for a bit due to all the other stuff going on in our lives but little by little I am getting back into the program.  And, no that is not Jesus:)


  1. It does look a little like Jesus. Good job on that. :)

    I am blogging today about an April marathon I'll be doing.

  2. If you used a mirror for a model I'm having second thoughts about stopping for a visit.

  3. Honestly I thought it was Jesus pondering what was wrong with us. Great picture though. And once again Cliff has cracked me up.

  4. Lynn -- Thank you for commenting on my marker art. Also good luck on your alphabet marathon. Wow 700 participants is a lot. I have seen this done before an lots of folks drop out. I'll be cheering you on as you join in.

    Cliff -- Oh I wish I had that guy's hair!

    Bonnie -- Don't laugh at Cliff. It only encourages him. LOL

  5. Well, it does look like the traditional face of Jesus...just saying.

  6. I thought it was Jesus too! So nice of Him to stop the busy work n pose for you-

  7. Tabor -- Well I guess we don't really know what Jesus looked like but I am certainly convinced he was a lot darker skinned than the guy in my drawing,

    Snaggle Tooth -- Oh now we know that would never happen. Then the world would really be off it's Axis.
