Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, September 01, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING -- 09-01-2024


This is Labor Day weekend.  We began the celebration by sharing a picnic with neighbors. Today I will work on a picture for the first day of Ayala Art 29 Faces and tomorrow we will head to Gravite, Arkansas to pick up 4 more Rhode Island Red hens.

I have a secret.  Yes I purchased another rooster.  I swore not to ever get another but realized the only way to perpetuate my herd of chickens was for the hens to lay fertilized eggs. It has been next to impossible for us to find anymore RIR hens. 

The previous rooster attempted to kill me and my friend.  He was angry all the time and had to be re-homed. His name was Sharin because he would be sharing all the hens.  This one is named Jack Reacher because he is a BIG boy.  Hopefully he will be like Hoss Cartright on BONANZA...a gentle giant.


  1. Wishing you the best with the rooster.....

  2. I hope Jack settles well - and does his job.

  3. I hope he behaves and does his duty.
