Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

WFW - FROM THE PAST 08-4-2016

 I don't have time to compose, so here is another composition from my first year participating in the Words For Wednesday. August 4, 2016

Words for Wedensday offered by Hannah BananaFace this month. Not just two sets for words but two pictures to choose from this week. I took the first set of words:

Convalescence - Rancor - Empathy - Expertise - Dangle – Tissues

And chose the picture of the Abandoned Car

AGING by Granny Annie

The abandoned car found there
Appeared to be in convalescence.
Years of neglect had caused it to
Lose it's effervescence.

Treatment of a once fine car
Began to raise my rancor.
Not even good enough to be
Repossessed by the banker.

The thoughts of this neglected car
Definitely stirred my empathy
Perhaps such abandonment
Would become my legacy.

Formerly talented with a lot
Of life's brilliant expertise,
Then one day deserted to
Gather rust and never please.

A bright ornament on the
Car mirror used to dangle.
Now wilted beyond recognition
Hanging at an awkward angle.

Tears in my eyes caused me to
Dig in my purse for tissues
Walking away from the car forever
While my own aging plight continues.


  1. Well written Granny !

    1. Thanks Ashok. High praise coming from you.

  2. You are an excellent writer. Wish you had a follow button on your blog, I used to be able to add blogs on my sidebar doesnt work anymore

    1. I have the same problem. Can't add you to my sidebar either.

  3. Love your poem. And hope you can join the W4W meme again soon.

    1. Things are starting to calm down a bit so maybe I can try a new one next week. You are so great to keep this going.

  4. Very well done. Loved how you tied the aging car to our aging bodies.

  5. I remember that picture I think, or maybe I've seen one similar. Good poem.

    1. Thank you River. Yes I am sure you wrote for that challenge also. Hannahbannaface had posted it but she isn't blogging anymore.
