Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Saturday, August 02, 2014


R.I.P. Mama David April 17, 2009 to August 1, 2014

Mama David was born on NOL-NOC Estates on April 17, 2009.  She was born in a chicken nest box and shared two mothers with her three other siblings.  Her feline mother, Miss Hissy and her chicken mother, Elenore Hen.  Her name David was chosen because of her closeness to one sibling that was very large and David was very small so they were named David and Goliath.  Because there was a wrestling match for mothering these kittens between biological feline mother and adopted chicken mother, they were featured in a story in COUNTRYSIDE MAGAZINE, Sept/Oct 2009 issue. It is rare for kittens to be born in a nest box surrounded by eggs.  

Mama David was struck and killed in a hit-and-run accident on the road in front of her home on August 1, 2014.  She was preceded in death by her mothers Miss Hissy (a beautiful Maine Coon cat) and Elenore Hen (a lovely Silky mix hen). She is survived by her Significant Other, Darth Vader, (residence unknown) and children Olive, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewy and Yoda of the home. Mama David has other grown children that are scattered over the area and unaccounted for. 

Mama David will be greatly missed.


  1. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I'm so sorry for your loss! Mama David was one of a kind. May her legacy live on through her children.

  2. Awwww .... RIP Moma David. Her birth story is my favorite post. A cat being born among chickens!

  3. Ah, poor David. I am sorry to hear this. Such an undignified end.

  4. RIP, David and big hugs to your human Mom.

    you will always be loved.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss of Mama David. I have enjoyed her escapades. She was far too young to go.

  6. Oh,, how sad. I write this with tears in my eyes. I'm so sorry this has happened to your beloved Mama David. It's heartbreaking.

    My hugs and best wishes to you.

  7. Well crap, this is not what I wanted to read. I lost my Gus (the young scotty) the same way, and for all he was a terror he is still greatly missed.
    Dang... I forgot the gracious thing...: I am terribly sorry for your loss. Mama David was so interesting to read about and she will be greatly missed.
    Well done obit!

  8. Sorry to read of the loss of your pet, Mama David, especially in such a tragic and traumatic way. Hopefully you will find some comfort in the fact that her time with you and your family was well documented. She was certainly a pretty cat.

  9. Thanks you all for your condolences. Living on a farm the circle of life is never more evident. Mama David is just one in a long line of loss. If I would just stop naming them it would be easier but that is never going to happen Once you see a personality, the name must follow. David would occasionally allow me to pat her on top of the head at meal time but otherwise she was totally feral. But oh what a good barn cat, doing her job to its fullest.

  10. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I am sorry for your loss.

  11. My sincerest condolences for your loss.

    Father Nature's Corner

  12. So sorry about Mama David! She was a loving beauty. A special kitty indeed.


  13. I'm so sorry to hear that Mama David is gone. May the force be with her kittens!

  14. Awww! That is so sad

  15. Wahhhh! Sorry about David's accident. Glad she brought such joys n adventure to your life to be so fondly remembered. I hope the children of David live on emanating her finer qualities for a long time!
    They have quite a reputation to live up to.

  16. Awww... Annie. I'm so sorry.
