Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, April 04, 2014


I see you:)

To some this is just a menacing dandelion weed but to me it is a color of Spring.

F.Y.I. Did not lose anymore hens yesterday and I found where David is keeping her kittens. 
Things are good right now on NOL-NOC Estates


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I am glad you found your cat and the kittens. I would have worried, too. Hope you find those chickens!

  2. I wonder what made David hide them? Could it be the presence of the predator that is going off with the hens? So glad they are safe.

    And love to see that spring flower! :)

  3. I like your positive attitude about the dandelion.
    I'm glad you found David and the kittens.

  4. I can't win the Dandelion battle so I just enjoy them and marvel how they adjust to the height of my mower blade. Always just below it after the first run thru.

  5. *sigh of relief* that the kitties are all safe, and the hens all there.

  6. gigihawaii
    It was nice to know the kittens were safe. At this point it is doubtful the hens will return.

    The mama cat always takes her kittens away from the spot where they are born after a few days and hides them. I don't know why because it often does not prove to be a good thing to do. The father will sometimes return and kill the kittens so he can have is way with the mother once again. She is hiding them to avoid that but David would be so much better off to leave her kittens in the chicken nest box.

    Yes, not many people see a dandelion as a very pretty flower:)

    Arkansas Patti
    That is exactly the way I feel. Plus when they turn to fluff balls the grandchildren can make wishes on them before they attempt to blow off all the seeds.

    Yes a sigh of relief over the kitties. If I can reduce the chicken loss I might acquire a few more but think I will wait a good while before doing that. It is sad because I have been taking 6 to 8 dozen eggs to the senior center every Monday and selling them for $2 a dozen, donating the proceeds to the center. Now the production will be down and thus the donations collected will be down. We had just made enough money to buy two nice wooden cabinets for storing our games.

  7. So happy you found the kittens!

    I'd welcome a dandelion right now. Just got another 3" of snow today.... boo! This time last year we were dethatching my lawn & fixing the dead spots.

  8. I also welcome dandelions. Sunshine in the grass. And I am thrilled that the chicken depreciations have stopped and that you know where David and her babies are.

  9. Haven't seen any dandelions yet, but I'll take seeing a few robins and blue jays as signs of spring.

    Father Nature's Corner

  10. Time for a little Dandelion Wine. Yummm.

  11. Yes it is.
    I hope that all is well.

  12. I like dandelions! And glad you found them.

  13. lovely flower....just like this one

  14. Lucky you! still waiting here

  15. Plenty in this garden to keep you happy:)
