Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, April 07, 2014


Question Of The Week 4-7-14
Ice cream cones, a puppy dog kiss, a tender touch we seem to miss, a gentle breeze that calls our name, a walk in moments memories frame.
What is on your list of life's simple pleasures?


  1. New music

    New clothes

    An ice cold beer in the sun

    My kids laughing together

    My partner saying "I love you".

  2. Colorful sunsets, Kitty purring, Plants thriving, successfully fixing things, making new unexpected art-work, music, or concepts, chocolate, hearing the familiar voice of an old friend over the phone

  3. Taking a nap in the rain!

  4. The first cup of coffee in the morning....

  5. many ideas come to mind. I guess my first smile of the always comes when I open my eyes and see her beautiful face in the morning's early light (Rob)

  6. A hot shower....nothing feels more luxurious.

  7. LL Cool Joe
    This was a good question. Your answers made me smile and feel good.

    Snaggle Tooth
    Oh beautiful. I just heard the voice of an old fried over the phone this past week. It is indeed a simple pleasure.

    Chatty Crone
    Oh yes, as long as I am inside listening to the rain and not outside sleeping in the rain. Lol

    Me too, me too I say as I have mine now.

    Rob and Monica
    Yes we all would have guessed that Rob and Monica would undoubtedly say something similar.

    Changes in the wind
    I can agree....just not too hot:)

  8. Oh, I'm big on simple pleasures...a cup of tea after a long day...sitting on the porch during a summer storm...walking with Charlie by our favorite lake...the moonrise on a hot summer night...sharing a belly laugh with my hubby and kids...I could go on and on...

    Awesome question, Annie!

  9. conversing in person or electronically with any of my immediate family.
    They are all funny with great personalities.


  10. One of my simple pleasures is clicking on "Fools Rush In" and seeing Slim's picture.

    I always say,"Hello, Slim. How are you today?"

    In the old picture of her she was on the sofa with all the white cushions around her and I wished I was there and could jump right into the pillows with her.

  11. Sleeping without an alarm set.
    Sweet baby feet.
    Listening to the rain.
    Hot soup.
    Finding cherries dipped in chocolate at Home Goods and having that for dinner. :)

  12. Most of my pleasures are simple. Simple things for a simple mind? The scent of rain, cats, garden glory, love, laughter, books...

  13. A porch with a swing. An early morning walk on the beach. A comfy chair and a cup of tea. Fresh washed sheets that were dried in the sun.

  14. Sharing laughter and a hug with the love of my life.

  15. Lying in a hammock with a blue sky over head with a soft breeze.
    Sunrise, sunset.
    Laughing with friends or family.
    Seeing the first slip of green peeping out as seeds come to life.
    Being warm when it is cold and cool when it is hot.

  16. Just my own space and privacy; and my two furry, four-legged rascally mates. My needs are simple.

    Chatty Crone...I hope those naps are taken inside with the sound of the rain on your roof...if you are taking them outside in the rain...don't forget your raincoat and umbrella. Sandie! ;)

  17. Watching my grandchildren play.
    Dancing like no one is watching.
    A good night's sleep.
    Laughing until my stomach hurts.
    Taking photos.
    Waking up each day.
    Hugging my kids.
    Oh dear, I seem to have an endless list here.

  18. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Sitting in a sunbeam outside after the longest winter ever!

  19. Talon
    A good belly laugh can echo the tops of our heads to the tips of our toes can't it?

    You wear your pleasure, pride and love of family like a big banner across your chest.

    I guess I'll have to try and find the picture of Slim on the couch to use as my header again. It is important to enhance your simple pleasures when I can. Then you can return to favor by writing another story for the Elder Storytelling Place:)

    Cherries AND chocolate, my two favorites. Oh please invite me over for dinner:)

    Elephant's Child
    It is hardly a “simple mind” I see putting your blog together. I do love your simple pleasures.

    Someday I am going to have a swing on my porch. One of my dreams:)


    Arkansas Patti
    I do ditto them all.

    Nice simple pleasures. Good response to Chatty Crone Sandie. I too feared she would be getting soaked in the rain. lol

    Sometimes I will dance like no one is watching then I will see Slim staring at me thinking “She's gone crazy again.”

    Amen sister, again I say Amen! Do I hear another Amen!

  20. swinging on a porch swing

  21. Aunt Betsy
    Me too. I used to sit with my best friend and swing on her porch swing while we solved all the world's problems.

  22. A piece of delicious chocolate and a book.

  23. Sitting in my side yard on a lazy summer afternoon enjoying a warm breeze blowing down the mountain while listening to our feathered friends sing praises to the one above.

  24. Lots of things...the smell of lavender. Cuddling with my cats. Reading. Dusty Springfield.

  25. A bath - a book - a cup of tea!
    Same time in the same room!
    Peace and quiet - Heaven

  26. I take pleasure in so many simple things... here are a few. Ice cream is definitely on that list. Feeling loved by my family. Driving alone and singing to my favorite songs. Solving a math problem successfully (yes, this is one of the nerdy ones). Napping on a rainy day. Gosh, I could go on and on.

  27. Relaxing on a Friday evening with my week-end snifter.
