Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Saturday, February 16, 2013


My x-rays from first diagnosis.

Trigger finger is back for the third time.  Can barely type. Forgive lack of posts and brief comments for a while.

Here is my first post about it.  


I have had injections twice and dread the thought of doing that again.  Surgery is another option but don't like that thought either.  However this is the absolutely the worst ever!


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry that is happening to you. You've really had the trials the last few months. I'll pray for relief for you.

  2. Oh my, what next? I pray this will be temporary. All I've experienced was a slight case once. I can only imagine what you must be going through. Prayers your way.

  3. So sorry...hope it just suddenly leaves!

  4. Praying God will give you complete healing Annie. wrapping you in a bubble of white healing light..

  5. Don't worry about posting or commenting....just take care of yourself and heal quickly. I hope it can be healed without surgery.

  6. Annie! I'm so sorry you have to deal with that! I hope it goes away and doesn't ever come back. It makes me grateful that the nerve damage I have in my hand makes me numb..I just have to be careful about hurting it because a nick or a bump doesn't register properly.

    Please take it ease and ease your finger back on that trigger (you know I'm just kidding! Couldn't resist!)

  7. Oh - - - I am so sorry. Hugs !

    I noticed that a rub with hot/cold ointment helps a little. I sometimes use body lotion with ginger and white tea and wear gloves and or socks to save the furniture and bed sheets. That helps too a little specially in cold weather. Feel better.

  8. Ouch! Hang in there - I hope it goes away soon!

  9. I am so sorry, Annie. Hope it leaves quickly or you find a cure that doesn't scare you.

  10. I am so sorry. My husband has that. Are you diabetic? I don't think so - but his doctor said a lot of diabetics get it for some reason. Hope the pain goes away.

  11. my hubby had hand surgery and did the therapy and he has no regrets about it. He wishes he'd done it years ago. so sorry you are suffering though. not being able to sleep because of pain wears ya down. :(

  12. I hope you are feeling better soon!!!!! Hang in there, it will get better.

  13. I hope you don't have to go through any more pain and we understand if you can't blog for a while...just get better!! We want you pain free and healed! I'll be praying for you, amiga. ♥

  14. Darnit all! Sorry you have all that hand pain again! Hope you find a way to solve it soon- Extra prayers said for you!

  15. Prayers going up for you, Annie, that the pain goes away. Whether a shot or will make the right decision.

  16. Ouch. YOu have given me a new appreciation for this problem. So this not arthritis but a muscle and ligament issue? YOu have had such a rough time recently...I wish you tons of energy and a fresh spring!

  17. Oh dear! I'm so sorry. Both my brother and sister-in-law had trigger thumbs and were operated on. It seems better now.

  18. So sorry! I've been having some wrist pain myself but will have a chance to heal because I'm going on a cruise! Not even taking my laptop. I wish for healing for you, too.
