Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, February 18, 2013


Question Of The Week 2-18-13

What is your favorite travel snack?

We pack hard boiled egg and hotsauce:)


  1. I always eat hard cinnamon candy when I take a road trip. I always arrive at my destination with a red mouth. :)

  2. I totally get the title after reading the fine print. :)

    I usually start out with apple slices and cheddar cheese and some almonds, but at some point in a journey seek out peanut M&Ms.

    And if I get sleepy - a Jamocha milkshake from Arby's. My sister told me that tip for overcoming sleepiness - you have to work so hard to drink it through a straw that it keeps you awake for the drive. I also think it's a good excuse to have a milkshake. :)

  3. Any bag of candy will do.

  4. Hard-boiled eggs and salted pretzels are also good:)

    I take an apple. John takes a banana, which neither of us eats and it always looks awful.

  5. A diet Pepsi and some Cheetos. Not as healthy as some of these others, but it gets me where I'm going.

  6. I like hot sauce and egg! I once packed dried apricots. It was my time to drive. I mindlessly popped one apricot into my mouth after another while the hours passed finishing the stache. Suddenly! uh-oh! and no road side stop or fast food to be seen for miles. that's right. You won't want to hitch hike with me!!!

  7. I like to throw a Clif bar or other granola bar into my purse for on-the-go calories.
    Sorry to hear about your trigger finger.

  8. Sadly, no travel snacks for my road trips. Instead, it's whatever I can find when I make periodic stops to my destination.

  9. I make low carb cookies and take lots of bottled water..

    How are ya feelin, Annie?
    better I hope

  10. Hmm. Apples, probably. Even though that makes me sound like Mr. Ed.


  11. On my last long ride (800 miles) I brought a $2 box of Cheezits crackers, n ate about half of it while driving.

    I also brought for 2 days of meals: 2 Peanut butter n banana sandwiches, 2 croissants, n 2 blueberry muffins. Also alot of homemade Ice Tea, n cold coffee for when I had to stay awake on the way home. n Water, of course!

  12. Lay's Potato Chips ... because I can't eat just one!

  13. Jeanie -- Hope you don't look like a vampire when you arrive:)

    Lynn -- Yes, it is always good to read the fine print. I find that frozen cappuccino is difficult to get through a straw and it helps keep me awake.

    LL Cool Joe -- Just a bag of candy?

    Kerry -- Why do we take bananas? No one ever eats them and they stink up the entire food bag.

    Bonnie -- Cheetos turn the steering wheel orange!

    Seriously Though -- Yea! Someone else knows the wonder of hard boiled eggs and hot sauce. Yep add the apricots and we'll pass hitching a ride with you. lol

    Sparkling Red -- I know what a granola bar is but don't know about Clif bars? And yes, I am feeling better and trying to post and comment while I can. I know the pain will return. Thanks for asking.

    G.B. Miller -- We have taken a few trips where we had to leave without preparing our travel snacks and found many EXPENSIVE snacks along the way.

    Sonny --What might those low carb cookie be? Yes, I am feeling a bit better and wearing fingerless glove most of the time. Thanks for asking.

    Riot Kitty -- A horse is a horse of course, of course....

    Snaggle tooth -- You sound completely organized for travel food. Extra good if you get stranded along the way.

    Bonnie (BIZ) -- Bet the doggies like the crumbs you drop. I know they are traveling with you.

  14. I often take hard-boiled eggs as well. We also pack crackers, chips and a cooler of drinks, inc. water. If mr. kenju has his way, there will be candy. lol

    My parents always packed sandwiches, potato salad, hb eggs, pickles, olives, and desserts. I am seldom organized enough to make sandwiches before a trip.

  15. Pistachios - they keep you too busy to fall asleep. We also like Lay's potato chips, fruit and nut chocolate bars and Diet Pepsi. Nothing but healthy snacks for us!

  16. I like to have an ice-cream when travelling. Not when I'm driving though. Coke and coffee too.

  17. 'No chocolate in the car' has been the mantra.

  18. kenju -- Yes Judy my mother always packed a basket and we would stop at roadside parks for delicious homemade pimento cheese sandwiches and all kinds of goodies. My sibling and I cried for cafe stops and had to eat this stuff. Oh how I long for my mother's travel picnic food.

    Chatty Crone -- Now that would be a real challenge for the driver. Or I guess the passenger who would end up having to shell the nuts for the driver.

    Pat MacKenzie -- You too on the Pistachios? Is Diet Pepsi a healthy drink?

    Belle -- When you travel with ice-cream it is called MILK! lol

    Pat -- And mine is "no car without chocolate!" Happy to see you comment. My thoughts are with you every day.

  19. In the summer, when everything I love is in season, it's definitely fruit.
    In the winter my favorite snack is timbits (donut centres) when they are super warm and eaten with hot chocolate. Needless to say, you have to also pack a big pack of wet wipes because invariably the car wears more of the stuff than we actually eat.

    Point taken about the eggs and hotsauce, Annie.

    Me: "Oh, no, Annie and Ron. I don't need a lift. Thanks for the offer, though. I can walk the ten miles. No, it's fine. I need the exercise." ;)

  20. Talon -- Your travel snacks sound extremely wonderful. I would definitely ride with you. Yes, it is quite alright for you to refuse a lift from us when we are carrying our travel snacks. It was surprising to read of the others that carry boiled eggs as well.

  21. CHOCOLATE!!!!! I am the Chocolate Monster la heheheh...

  22. Shionge -- Betty, it is nearly impossible foe me to resist chocolate. Glad to know I am not alone.

  23. When I do any traveling it's usually with my girls or my sisters. With the girls they always have an assortment of snacks from chocolate to red vines, chips etc. My sisters and I often go to a burger joint like Sonic's.I never had a hard boiled egg with hot sauce. Hmmmm.... maybe I will!

  24. I like cheesey popcorn, the kind with orange coating that is clearly not found in nature but my husband would rather have the car upholstery free of orange than me a happy co-pilot. :-(

  25. Hummus and pretzel chips...they come in a snack pack and they're amazing together! Yum.

  26. I prefer travel food that is sweet or not, salty or not, processed meat or not, (I admit I can make the best beef jerky in existence), I also like round, flat, crunchy, crispy and soggy.
    Packaging while traveling is important. I once put 4 oreo cookies in a sandwich bag with a balogna sandwich. The moisture traded places. The cookies were wet and soggy and the bread was the same as toast without the nice brown color.
    I've eaten hot sauce on practically everything I can think of...except hardboiled eggs. I will correct that soon.

  27. Mountain Mama -- At first I thought you said red "wine" not red vines. That would be a scary trip. LOL

    denverdoc -- Hello. Thanks for visiting and commenting. I will have to visit you in return. It's nice to see a doctor here. Hope you fore go the orange coated popcorn for the sake of your marriage:)

    Ileana -- I love hummus and I love pretzels but have never tried the two together. That shall be a treat added to my list. Look at you just one picture away from 75!!!

    Cliff -- Just as I like everything. Did you eat the soggy Oreos and the crusty bologna sandwich? My bets are on "yes".

  28. Would you believe dried ginger? It keeps my stomach steady. Then again, maybe it's all in my mind.

  29. Reading 'Lynn's comment above reminded me of the term my Dad coined for something hard to suck thru a straw as having given him a 'reverse hernia."

  30. Thinking of you this snowy afternoon and hoping all is well and that your finger is behaving for you!

  31. Kay -- I've heard of dried ginger helping digestion.

    Cliff -- That is odd but then you tend to state the odd often.

    Talon -- Thank you for thinking of me. My finger is still driving me crazy. I got some new exercises to try and hopefully can help me avoid surgery or more shots. I am also considering going to a chiropractor.

  32. I love apples and bananas.
