Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, September 24, 2012


Question Of The Week 9/24/12

What does your future hold?


  1. to your comment on my post - you are soooo right!

  2. Hopefully not working until the day I die. :)

  3. Whitemist -- So if that's the case, the Bedford Street Arts and Crafts festival is still in your future:)

    Lynn -- I always thought I would. Well, I'm retired from banking but guess I'll always "work".

  4. Trips to exotic places? I'm hoping. :)

  5. Scarlet -- Why bother when you turn every place around you into an "exotic" place:)

  6. I don't know and perhaps that is a good thing.


  7. I don't know what is in my future, Annie, and I REALLY don't want to know.

    If I ever ran into that crazy Long Island Medium who stalks people on TV so she can tell them that their dead relatives are still dead,I would run away so fast I would leave skid marks on the sidewalk.

    I'd rather just drift along,looking for the big wave,until I'm surprised by something happening......

    Check out my Facebook page for old wedding pictures..

  8. Beyond walking the dog in a few minutes, my future is a mystery to me......I'm not sure I would want to know, even if it was posssible.

  9. Such a deep question for a Monday:) I think my future holds love and laughter, aches and pains, births and deaths and all that life has to offer.

  10. I'm going to win the lottery

    then again statistic say I am more likely to be struck by lightning


    I will probably win millions then be struck by lightning ;)

  11. Death, I think that's fairly certain. :D

  12. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can stay healthy along with my family!

  13. Tabor -- Definitely a good thing.

    Nancy -- I have never sought out a medium to tell my future but attending a dinner party I did run into a woman who proclaimed she was a witch and predicted something so horrible about my future that she couldn't disclose her vision. I tried to laugh it off but you know it made me a bit curious. So far so good:)

    Oh yes I have seen all your great Facebook wedding photos! Didn't you tell me not to comment on your Facebook?

    Jeanie -- And you know that even the dog isn't guaranteed that walk.

    Changes in the wind -- Yep, it's pretty wonderful isn't it?

    Dianne -- Not an optimist huh? LOL

    ashok -- If there was a prize, you would win it!

    LL Cool Joe -- I call that "the peace that passes all understanding".

    Chatty Crone -- Knew that.

    Kay -- Hearing how you guys live, I'm pretty certain you will have good health for a very long time.

  14. As Monica of Changes in the wind said, this was a deep question for a Monday. Thanks everyone for giving such well thought answers anyway. Hope my future continues to include all of my blog friends!


  15. No, Annie, I never asked you not to comment on Facebook. At least, I don't remember asking you. If I did I take it back...

    I like to have you comment...

  16. My future gets more uncertain every day, but I'm hoping to continue spending my future with my family, doing the things we love to do.

  17. It won't be boring, that's for sure!

  18. Hello Annie
    We all know nothing is a definite or certain in life - but I'd like to know waking up each morning for many many more years is a cert for me - preferably somewhere warm and not in pain would be good.
    Take care
    commenting via blogger

  19. Short term: shower, food, sleep, Day Off with rain, phone calls, n bill paying.

    Long Term: better job, better house conditions, alot of musical instrument playing, n hopefully more time visiting loved ones. I want alot more production of stuff if at all possible. Oh, n the sooner I hit the lottery jackpot, the better!

    Yes, I'm willing it to happen! If you don't tell the universe what you want, it won't hear you n give it to you, according to "The Secret" book...

  20. Better paying job and more publishing success.

  21. Nancy -- Must have been my "old-timers" disease.

    Bonnie -- I believe you can count on the joy of family continuing.

    Riot Kitty -- Amen sister!

    Cathy -- To keep waking up would be good future with warmth and pain free as a bonus.

    Snaggle Tooth -- Tell the universe you'll settle for winning the lottery and it won't have to be the jackpot.

    G.B. Miller -- It looks like all systems are go for your future desires.

  22. Blog friends -- I read this once and wrote it down but cannot remember the author. It seems applicable for this post:

    "We can take courage from remembering that God takes our efforts and blesses them, bringing results far richer than anything we can possibly imagine - and certainly far beyond any specific outcome we might narrowly envision."


  23. Annie...Or MY "Old Timers"....

    I love the quote. God certainly puts all those mediums in their proper place,doesn't He?

  24. I can't imagine what my future holds. When I look back at the way my life has gone so far, I could have never imagined some of the twists and turns. I think of the Lewis Carroll quotation about "seven impossible things before breakfast"!
