Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, January 25, 2010


Our watch dog, Slim, is very strange. She welcomes all visitors and herds them to the front door. Slim then jumps on the window to let me know she has brought us people. She is excited when we let them in and she shows them off like treasure. This morning it was indeed treasured people she brought me. The DISH repair men arrived. WhooHoo!

Yes, in fairness after my complaint, I will say the DISH (for WildBlue) agreed to extend service to us at no charge for this visit. They said to expect the repair persons between 8:00 AM and Noon. They arrived before 8:30 and had us up and running by 9:00. The weather had damaged the connections on the satellite. I am a happy country girl once again.

Thank you guys for your support and suggestions regarding our satellite program.

Thank you also for your input on naming our new chickens. Of course you know the rooster is Jack Bauer. (Attire designed by Adam of The Jack Sack)The red hens are Slippy and Slushy (named by Brown English Muffin), in honor of the conditions when we collected them. The Buff Cochin twins are Flo and Ethel (named by Lucy of Lucy's Frugal Living) and, because I misunderstood Lucy's last suggestion, the black and white Brama is Mame. (She suggested Maine but when I read it as "Mame" I loved it so that it stuck.)

If you think raising chickens is just for people in the country, take a look at this neat video, BROOKLYN'S BACKYARD CHICKEN KEEPERS that I saw at Urban Chickens.


  1. Heh. I seem to remember a movie in the 80s where the two goldfish were named Crockett and Tubbs (after Miami Vice).

  2. Gosh Z, you're too late for these girls but I'm saving those names for my next pair.

  3. I'm glad you are a happy country girl again!

    Love the names too!

  4. There are chickens in Portland - they surprised me while I was taking a walk during a break the other day at works! - although I think they should be on farms.

  5. Joe -- Thanks a bunch!

    Riot Kitty -- Why do you think they should be on farms?

  6. I love all the names you chose and I'm glad your Dish got fixed!

  7. I am a great animal lover myself and just love reading about yours.

    Thanks for the visit and comment.
    I know what you mean and thanks for the most welcomed advice.


  8. Annie,

    I'm so glad you got your satellite up and running and at no charge. That is great.

    I certainly would be honored to put Slim's photo on coasters for you. I've just sent you an email.


  9. Being a farm girl has it's daughter lives in Eden New York, has chickens, horses, dogs and's lovely. A place where you can smell the trees and the silence of the earth.

    Glad your satellite is fixed I hate not being able to watch the news.

    Dorothy from grammology

  10. Kenju -- Glad you like the names. I am very hopeful for this batch of girls and egg production is already up.

    Yvonne -- Glad you are back from Spain.

    Mary -- I'm trying to pick out a picture now. I think I might use one of Slim as a pup.

    Dorothy -- We do love the country so. By the way it was my internet satellite that was down and not the television. That was what was so crazy. Why did the TV dish work and not the internet? Well, at least it is over for this time.

  11. Glad they took care of you and you are up and running again. I think you and I are much the same and patience with the computer isn't our best attribute.
