Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, May 04, 2009


There is a tape recorder in my purse. I carry it to record things I want to remember, but I forget it is in my purse.

I have a necklace with a container on it that holds a small pencil and a piece of paper. I tried wearing it all the time to jot things down that I wanted to remember. The necklace kept banging on everything and drove me crazy.

A good friend of mine wrote on her hand. She never forgot anything. I tried that for a while and people would ask me, "What are those words on your face and/or chin?" I couldn't remember not to rest my head on the inked words on my hand. LOL

As I approach 63 my memory is not getting any better. What are your tricks to remembering?

For those of you who have followed our insurance saga, we have arrived at a settlement on the vehicle. They came within $220 of what we wanted and it seemed insane to drag it on for $220. Now we have the medical part to pursue. Right now we seem to be dealing with a nicer person than we were dealing with on the van. Thank you guys for your empathy through this trauma.


  1. Notepads and pencils in every room and in my car, Annie. And still, I forget - or I lose the notes. It's a neverending battle.

    I'm glad to know that you settled on the van without too much angst. Good luck with the medical part.

  2. I just forget and leave it at that. I can remember when I was a kid, going to my grandmother's house and her and my grandfather had notes hanging everywhere. You'd go to the kitchen and they would have notes taped all over the cabinets. I didn't think much of back then, but it's pretty funny to me now. I'm glad part of your insurance problems has been taken care of. Good luck with the rest.

  3. Like Bonnie, I just endure or fight with my husband over who promised to do what. I do keep notes next to my computer and have to google almost everything before I blog so that I get names straight.

    Words all over your face...fuuuny!

  4. Oh Grannie Annie I loved this post. I'm only thirty....something. I'm not keeping it a secret It would just take a minute for me to figure it out and I don't have time for that! HA! I have a terrible memory these days. I think my thyroid meds are off. At least that's what I tell myself!

    YAY for the insurance victory! One down one to go. I'm glad you aren't dealing with the doody head anymore.

  5. I write appointments on the calendar, make out a grocery list, talk to myself on the way to where ever I am going to remember to do ------- and if it wasn't that important forget it with ease:)There is tomorrow to try again.

  6. I can remember things way back in my childhood but not too clever on recent things.


  7. Posted by my front door is my "Sign of Aging." It says, "Check stove" (to be sure it is turned off), "Cell Phone" (which I can't remember to take with me), "Glasses" (I usually wear reading glasses around the house but need tri-focals to drive), and "Shoes" (I once discovered in the Atlanta airport that I had on one good shoe and one that I wear around the house and is about seven years old. I was mortified!).

  8. Hey everybody, you were supposed to give me guidance and counsel, not just tell me we're all sailing in the same ship! LOL

    lucylocket, you sound like my real life counter part. Only I wore two different colored shoes on two different occasions. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Sara, my darling 16 year old, writes on her hand - in permanent marker so it doesn't sudge. Sharpies are her favorite, followed closely by a bright purple pen.

    She has a note right now that says "Charge phone; buy new pens" I love it!

  10. Being Virgo and partly Swiss. And making lots of lists. Seriously. My brother, on the other hand, can never remember maybe my theory is like Swiss cheese (full of holes.)

    My dad and my brother used to write on their hands, even after I warned them about ink poisoning. I swear they looked like prison inmates.

  11. I rely on my calendar and my diary, which I synchronise at the beginning of every month because I carry my diary with me while my calendar stays by my computer. In addition, to remember to take certain tablets I position them near the kettle (or the drinking chocolate tin for late night tablets). To remember to take things out with me, I put them on the floor by the front door. Once or twice visitors have picked them up off the floor and put them on the hall table - so I forgot to take them - but I'm usually on my own and it works well.

    Best wishes for your negotiations and for your husband's full return to health.

  12. I'm 72 (as of last tuesday), and I never forget anything-----but I spend a goodly amount of time denying I ever knew things in the first place-----hey works for me.

  13. Hello Annie,

    I have many,many tricks for remembering things. I would be happy to share them with you EXCEPT
    that I can't remember any of them at the moment...

  14. I have notes and lots of list. Trouble is that I lose the lists and notes. I don't know what to do! Just stay lost I guess.

  15. I have given up on that. I try to make sure I get all the things like dooc's appts., social engagements etc., straight but as to the rest . . . fogeddaboutit! lol

  16. Some of my meds for the muscular dystrophy kinda make forgetful, so I keep paper and pencils with me at all times. This seems to help me a lot. :)

  17. You ALL crack me up. How nice to know there are many of us out there of all ages struggling with the same thing. Olive, I'm going to give your solution a try but I'll have to decide which computer to use for my calendar. Dani, I often wonder how much my meds have to do with my memory loss. Good recommendation Gary, denial, denial, denial! Yes Kay, "fogeddaboutit!" Marla, we'll come looking for you. Nancy who? LOL RK, is there any truth to that ink poisioning rumor? PG, I'm switching to a sharpie. How does your daughter wash it off?

  18. Sorry - no help here. I make lists and forget where I left them. I write dates on the calendar and show up on the wrong day.

    I am the old lady who, when the preacher asked her if she gave any thought to the hereafter, replied: "Oh my yes! Every time I go into a room I ask, 'What am I here after?'

  19. Granny,
    I have to write everything down - and I tell people I have to be at home by my calendar before I make any plans...

    Glad you got close to your settlement. Hope the next phase is easier !

  20. I use my cell phone calendar with the alarm to remind of things.

  21. Notepad in my pants pocket pen in shirt pocket. If I don't write it down it gets forgotten.
    My notepad replaced 3 x 5 index cards secured with a rubberband.
    I don't think forgetting is age thing as much as it is a busy thing.

  22. Cute post!

    If you're on the computer a lot, Outlook tasks ring to remind you of things/events you've written on the calendar.

    If that's too much trouble, as others have suggested, permanent ink on the hand works. My daughter does it all the time.

  23. It's good to hear you're through one hurdle with the insurance. "Drag it on" is just the right phrase for this kind of headache.

    I can't remember what the rest of your post was about.


  24. $220.00 isn't worth fighting over...Get it done!

    Memory, what memory.... All my friends know to call and remind me about meetings and things that are coming in the future...

    Stake welfare meeting next Thursday.... Call and remind me!

  25. Note to Self: Remember to use tape recorder.

    I write notes down. Lists.shold
