Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, September 21, 2007


We spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Missouri with grandchildren. The kids were out of school Wednesday and we went to keep them company while their parents worked.

Hope was the first one up and she and I sat at the breakfast table having our cereal. She had fruit loops and I had raisin bran.

Their raisin bran was delicious and caused me to marvel. It was in an unmarked plastic container so I couldn't find the brand name. Hope did not know either.

You may remember that I eat cereal with ice water instead of milk. The mystery of the delicious raisin bran was solved when Hope informed me that I had poured the prepared humming bird feeder water on my cereal. (They keep it in the refrigerator in an unmarked plastic container and do not add coloring.)

Talk about a sugar rush. I was good to go all day.


  1. I find two things to be funny about this post.

    #1 You use cold water on your cereal??!!??
    I'm thinking you must have a milk allergy or something, in which case I still think water on cereal would taste hitonious.

    #2 You drank hummingbird food!
    What's with the lack of labeling in that family??
    First, it's the non-labeled raisin bran - if that's what it REALLY was!!! - then there's the non-labeled sweet hummingbird water.
    Lucky for you, they didn't have any non-labeled rat poison in that frig!!


  2. LOL @ this post and @ jamie dawn's comment lol
    I gotta ask, why? water on the cereal, ewwww ewwww ewww lol

  3. I added the link to my post on why I eat cereal with ice water for those inquiring minds.

  4. This made me laugh out loud. Who knew Raisin Bran could out-do Fruit Loops for a sugar rush?

    Whereabouts in Missouri? I grew up in Columbia; most of my family is scattered across the state.
