Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, February 02, 2025

SUNDAY TALKING...02-02-2025

 Today is the 48th birthday of my Goddaughter Jessi.  I can never forget the day she was born.  Her mother Pat (my best friend) called me stating "My water broke...what should I do?". I suggested she call the doctor and she was in the middle of cleaning house so she needed to wait.  Her husband arrived and by the time they got to the doctor and quickly Jessi arrived.

I am going to church today.  Usually I watch my church services on Facebook.  It will be unusual to attend in person.  I dislike church a lot but they are have a huge meal after today.  LOL

Yesterday Ayala Art 29 Faces for February began.  I have managed to input two days of drawings and hope to stay active through the month.


  1. Happy Birthday to Jessi. Hope the food rocks.

  2. LOL. I used to be a cooperative child to go to church because we always went to the fancy cafeteria afterwards. Linda in Kansas
