Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, December 03, 2023


 Thursday my new friend took me for a ride in the rain. My housekeeper was working at the house and I like to get out of her way.  

We went to Walmart and he had to make two small purchases.  It took him quite a while to decide which item to buy as he calculated and re-calculated which was the best bargain. He ended up saving a dollar on the two.  I would have been long gone by then.

Next we went to Braums and he got us black and white twist yogurts.  I accidentally punched a hole in my cone and had to hold the rest together with napkins. Still it left a trail over our table. It was a good thing we didn't get these in the drive up.

Our last stop was to buy power ball tickets.  It was amazing to me that this person would waste $2 after pinching his money so tightly in the grocery store.  He was sure it would work out when he won the mega millions. I gave him $2 to to get me one also.


  1. Fun date, if the penny pinching doesn't bother you!

  2. I don't buy lottery tickets. Himself does. I hope you enjoyed your day with your new friend.

  3. Lottery tickets are great if you see them as entertainment money.

  4. Dithering over whether or not to save a dollar seems odd but maybe he needed that dollar to buy the lottery ticket? I try to factor the cost of lottery tickets into my budget, but always buy the necessities first and if I don't have enough left for the lottery too bad.
