Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, October 01, 2023



There is a man at our Senior Center who has been going there for quite a while.  Visiting with him has made me very stand-off-ish. He smiles at me a lot and is courteous.  Now he is making sure to sit next to me.  He also gets my drink, napkin and silverware to reserve a spot next to him. He is also a widower and is known well by many in the group.  He is a long time resident of our little town but he is one who traveled and has seen more than many in the group.  I too have traveled and know things that exist in other places.

A relationship with this man or any man now does not appeal to me.  There is too much involved with dating.  It means I would have to put on makeup more often and dress in something besides my robes and pajamas. However it would be enjoyable to have someone to go to movies or out to eat with. He always asks me what I am doing the next day or on the weekend and I tell hm but it is never followed with any invitation if I am free. If he is waiting for me to make the first move he is going to wait a long time.   It isn't nice to hurt his feelings but that may not be what is happening at all. It could be that his interest in me does not extend beyond the senior center.


  1. Continue to enjoy his attentions at the Sr. Center. Things will develop organically whether it is simply a friendship or beyond. I don't see how having pleasant conversations when the two of you are together could possibly hurt his feelings.

  2. Maybe ask your friends what they think of him. He's either genuine in his affections or isn't. Go have some fun but draw a line in the sand if you don't want to cause hard feelings.

  3. Trust your gut. I would I think behave just as you are doing, being courteous and no more.

  4. Simply be friendly as courteous, as EC says. If he asks to see you at another time, let him know you simply want friends at the Senior Center, and nothing more as you value your alone time in comfort.

  5. What they ^ all said makes sense to me.

  6. Maybe he knows your status from the grapevine and doesn't have to ask about it. If he's kind, maybe just let him know you'd be interested in going dutch to a movie or event, but aren't needing any official boyfriend. It's hard to find friends who aren't annoying just to go places that you'd rather not go alone. Linda in Kansas
