Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, September 03, 2023


What you don't know won't hurt you...???

I believe that I have mentioned my recent coughing syncope.  It happened while driving and only blanked me out for a minute.  That was enough for me to awaken in the oncoming traffic lane, heading for a ditch.  Thankfully no cars were in the oncoming lane.

My children learned of this error and insisted the information be shared with my doctor.  He received the news with great concern and began requesting a load of tests for me.  All but one has returned with no problems detected.  However a Holter Monitor was prescribed for me.  It was worn for 48 hours and returned with no results.  As second monitor was prescribe for another 48 hours.  Something disrupted the Holter and nothing was seen so a third monitor was prescribed.  

Results from the third monitor were never reported but I was  mailed an e-Patch Holter to wear stuck to my chest for 14 days. At least I may shower with this one and it does not have the wires the other had.  I am confident the results (if any are ever reported) will be good.  

I keep cough drops next to me in the car and at the slightest feeling of a cough coming on, one is there to stall off a syncope. Thankfully I have excellent insurance...hum could that be the basis of all these tests???


  1. Good luck. I hope (so much) that you have no more episodes - anywhere but particularly in the car.

  2. Another reason to be glad I don't drive. I hope you have no more episodes.

  3. Be careful! It would annoy me greatly if I had to go through the week without your good cheer!
