Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, August 13, 2023


 My older sister turned 80 last month.  I was not able to celebrate her until yesterday.  Her namesake, my daughter, drove us to sister's home.  We had a lovely celebration just with four of us... that included my brother-in-law.

Sis in beautiful and it is difficult to believe she is 80.  My oldest sibling (brother) is 82.  I am 77 but they can both run circles around me.  Both of them still have their healthy spouses. We all have our health concerns but I am deteriorating the fastest. That could be because I am alone.

I love both of my siblings very much but have always been especially adoring of my sister.  She has taken care of me since I was a new baby.  I am forever her rag doll. 


  1. Aww! Happy Birthday to your sister! 80 is the new 70...or so I hear! lol

  2. Happy birthday to your sis 💗

  3. Sisters are the greatest gift!

  4. I am so glad that you were able to have this time together. Happy birthday to your sister.

  5. My comment vanished. Happy Birthday to your sister. Any chances of moving closer to them?

  6. I have a sister that I cherish as well. She's the baby of the family. It always makes me sad to hear about sisters who do not get along. I mean there is no law that says it's a given, but I much prefer the bonded stories.

  7. I wish your sister many happy returns of the day!

  8. Happy Birthday to your sister. My sis will be 75 in January. She lives in a town up north about six hours away by bus, and neither of us drives so I don't see her often, but I'll try to get up there for this "big" birthday.
    I like hearing that you are all close and still friends.

  9. I'll cross that threshold in a couple of months--- and I've outlived my brothers, friends, and many others. I may have outlived my knees as well.. :)
