Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, April 16, 2023


 My son-in-law (sil)  will be retiring in a few years.  They will be assuming ownership of NOL-NOC Estates at that time.  They have moved to a nice lake home that is in the next town only 30 miles from me.  This makes it possible for them to get here in their spare time and begin making preparations.  Now they are busy planting as Spring arrives.  

This week they let me know a load of gravel would be delivered and a load of dirt.  The gravel arrived very quickly but I had to hang around a week waiting for the load of dirt. They kept telling my sil that it would arrive every day but it did not show up.  Finally they told him it was on the way.

It was a beautiful day and so I waited outside on the patio to watch for the truck.  It arrived but drove right past the farm.  I stood up and began waving my arms and yelling for the driver to turn in our drive but he just kept on going. I saw him turn down the road just past our house.  I heard him drive down the dangerous hill then turn around and start back up the road.  I waited in the road to catch his attention again.  He should have turned right but he started to turn left.  I was running down the road yelling for him to stop and turn toward me.  He finally saw me and got out of the truck.  I pointed to our place.  He ask if I knew my sil and I told him I did and their dirt was to be delivered here.  I turned around and saw a huge line of cars waiting behind me.  They were trying to get home from work and I was blocking the road. The driver got to my home and dumped the load of dirt.  I had to write him a check because they do not take credit cards.

This all happened of Friday evening.  I am now spending the weekend on my couch tending to a very painful knee because of all the running.  Not the best exercise for a 76 year old woman.


  1. So sorry about the knee.

  2. Ouch, don't be chasing anymore trucks. But at least you caught one.

  3. I am sorry about your knee - and glad that the wait is now over. I hope you get some relief quickly.

  4. Some truck drivers need extra strength glasses to see house or property numbers. I hope your knee is better soon.

  5. GPS isn't always exact and sometimes people ignore the directions anyway. I'm glad you got him to your place and sorry you got hurt in the process. I'm praying for a speedy recovery.

  6. It been nice all weekend. Now it starting to rain.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  7. Omgoodness! You got your exercise doing all that running!
