Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, March 05, 2023



1.) I fell out of my attic.  2020

2.) I fell in a huge snow drift. 2021

3.) I fell by slipping on black ice on my porch. 2022

4.) I fell behind my heater while working on the back. 2023

My PCM was made aware of these falls.  He scanned me after the first fall because I hit my head.  All appeared well.  My children were made aware of the first three falls but I don't see the need to tell them about this last one.  What can they do anyway?  The both work outside their homes and cannot afford time out to check on me for minor emergencies. I have managed to get up on my own but not without exerting a lot of energy and creating more pain along with the fall.

Ron experienced many falls.  We tried for me to help him up but he was just too heavy.  Finally he allowed me to call 911 and help arrived within 10 minutes every time.  He enjoyed visiting with the emergency responders while they got him up.

My cell phone is on a lanyard around my neck. (Can't get Life Alert in this location.) Now I am keeping my cane handy.  But the biggest concern I have is why does this happen.  The falls creep up on me when least expected.   So far my doctor has not given me any idea how to prevent them.  I am 76 years of age and read an article this morning about dehydration being a cause.  Also medications can be the problem.  I have heart disease and take many many pills.

Any ideas or suggestions?


  1. Lots of water...vitamin D3...and quite simply...Slow Down!
    I was put on a statin 7 days a week, okay? Seemed I started feeling dizzy too, I lowered the dosage to one pill, TWICE a week...Tuesdays and Saturdays, Dizziness has almost gone. And yes, I cleared it with my doctor. I'm 71.

  2. LOTS OF WATER. Make sure you are stable before you move. No area rugs.

  3. Falls are a BIG concern at our age. A couple of years ago I got serious about improving balance through more dedication to yoga but I can't say that is something everyone should be doing. I believe that drinking water is a good idea as is having your phone so handy. How about those grippers for walking on snow and ice. I assume you are quite the independent sort, but do you have to do everything yourself? Maybe get someone else to fix the heater or haul something out of the attic? Do I take my own advice -- Ha! Just passing on what people are always telling me.
    But seriously, stay safe!

  4. This is scary. We are now taking a Safe Falling class to condition us on what to do when we start to fall.

  5. I agree with the lots of water thing. Please take care of yourself, falls, as you know, can end up not so good.

  6. Stay hyderated and stay busy...take care

  7. Our sense of balance needs to be exercised, too. Every morning, while brushing my teeth, i stand on one foot while brushing the top choppers and the other while brushing the bottoms, giving my sense of balance a quick workout. Sneaking in balance exercises when standing at the stove to cook, or waiting for the microwave to warm something, might help.

  8. It seems you are only having one fall per year, so if they are all happening in the same month, then next year be prepared and don't do anything without someone there to help. I have no other suggestions besides what have been mentioned above.

  9. I have both muscle weakness and neuropathy in my legs, which in turn causes a lot of balance problems for me. For vitamins, I've been taking both B12 and Potassium, and they've seemed to help quite a bit for me. The only other thing i can suggest is to move at the speed of slow. Works for me, as I don't have that many falls while walking/standing.

  10. BP meds, age, I know whereof you speak. I try to always have some sort of contact with something solid that won't move. And as many have advised, SLOW DOWN. That helps.

  11. Just be very careful stuff happens with age.
