HELP!! I am unable to comment on blogs. What can I do to fix this? Anyone else having the problem? I managed two comments posting today and then it stopped accepting.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. -- Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5
Frankie and Slim

Happy New Year
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I seem to be able to post comments about half the time I try now, so no clue here!
ReplyDeleteBlogger is not in my wheelhouse so I can't help. Hope you get this sorted. ♥
ReplyDeleteHad problems a few weeks ago but not recently. Sorry, can't help.
ReplyDeleteI have had my problems with Blogger but not this one. WIsh I could be more helpful.
ReplyDeleteNot a clue, except maybe clearing out your browser or computer? Sometimes, with M$, you can accumulate enough junk where it affects certain things on your computer. Or, you can post on the Blogger help forum to see if you can find any answers there. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteLots of us are having problems. And lots of our comments are going to spam when we do succeed in posting them. I have found that opening a new tab (while keeping the blog open) and then going back to the blog often helps.
ReplyDeleteI haven't experienced this problem personally, but are you using an Apple device when making your comments? There has been some kind of issue going on where Apple users are unable to leave comments unless they sign out of Google and leave the comment as Anonymous. Then, in their comment, they specify who they are. If you're an Apple user you could give this a try.
ReplyDeleteYour comments may be going to spam, i've taken to checking my spam folder morning and evening and hauling all the comments out and into the light of day.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea. I am unable to comment sometimes on Dora's blog unless someone else has commented first and maybe not always then either, but she has a completely different "flip card" set up. Everywhere else I am able to comment, but when I go back late my comments don't always show.
ReplyDeleteThings like this have happened before. I went through something like this a year or two ago. Google the problem.
ReplyDeleteIt's a mess. However, clean your cache, cookies and history. If that doesn't work try a different browser. I have to change browsers for several blogs I leave comments on. Somewhere blogger change algorithms and it has messed everything up.
ReplyDeleteOh I forgot your testing 1,2,3 made it through.
ReplyDeleteI did just notice that I could not comment on an earlier blog. But the notice did not explain the error. Some good advice above you can try. Your comments are coming through to my blog, though.
ReplyDeleteI was unable to comment on certain blogs and when I removed cookie blocking is the browser bar, I was able to get my comments through. Maybe that is the issue?