Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, February 26, 2018


Question Of The Week 02-26-18

How do you spend the majority 
of your free time?

Drawn from show TV show Broadchurch on computer.  Digital art by (me) eaghl/2018


  1. Free time...oh yeah....I know what that is. I read, blog, play computer games, read, knit, read, goes pretty much like that.

  2. Retired persons have more free time than they do work time. Ain't it great? LOL

  3. I'm between home bases at the moment so I try to be of help to the kids, and stay out of trouble!
    Most of my hobby things are packed away for this move, so I do chores for the kids, and read, and read, and take a few photos.

  4. I read, blog, and play on the computer with genealogy and such at home, I also love to fish when I can get away...there is a difference between fishing and catching though, and I'm a good fisherman who does little catching.

  5. Being free....

  6. I do all sorts of things - but not sure it is what I do in my free time - not much of that.

  7. Lots of reading and much time on the computer

  8. Reading. More books and less computer.

  9. Photography,Reading,blogging,travel,facebook,whatsapp,sleep,TV News&sports,movies,eat out,odd jobs around the house.

  10. Travel, jigsaws, photography, blogging and watching vlogs on You Tube. Wasting time!

  11. Most of my time is "free" now Annie. I love to spend time each day outdoors, I read, I play with grandchildren, I talk to my husband, and I think about what kind of vegetarian meal I'm going to prepare for dinner. Soups are a hit with us in winter!

  12. Reading and writing, but not in that particular order.

  13. I write and read, garden some, bike, walk and yoga, meditate. Well, now that I reflect on it, i don't consider those things free time, just part of life. Free time really is sewing or doing sudoku puzzles.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. TV is the white noise always in my background, but, in between, I always read, write and even draw. My humanities professor thought I was wasting my artistic talent by majoring in science.

  16. Getting ready for n getting to n from Work! N getting interrupted sleep...
    I have doodled very little, done music very little, n written more than other activities (Most for me) because it doesn't wake folks up. Then there is Movie watching

  17. I wish I could say reading, but I'm so tired when I get home from work that I mostly watch TV. I do play Mahjong or Hearts while watching TV (so I won't fall asleep), so I guess that counts. :)


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