Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


My Words For Wednesday story

LIKE A PENDULUM DO by Granny Annie

The pendulum on the wall clock stopped swinging. It was time to wind the antique. Yes, it was seven o'clock pm which was when it always stopped. We had found this timekeeper while scavenging the abandoned house on the hill. Everyone told us the house was haunted and not to take anything from it.

Why couldn't we have found a nice clock with a cuckoo bird popping out to strike the hour? No, we had to have one with a wax raven that would fly out on a spring and scream the hour.

This activity, of course, delighted our grandchildren. I loved to make up tales for them about this crazy chronometer. They would beg me, “Grandma, tell us a tingler.” I would then usher them to the fireplace where we would sit in a circle and I would open my diary containing stories of the many invisible spooks, ghosts and goblins that were forever locked inside the vintage timepiece. 

Go HERE to see the words for today and for the picture Cindi provided plus links to other stories or the ones completed in the comment section.


  1. This is simple and yet so captivating.

  2. Wonderfully done! I love the clock!

  3. Great Halloween short! ;-)

  4. your use of the word "tingler" and also your alliteration on "crazy chronometer." :)

  5. Excellent story Annie, I love how you tied all of the words into a great story.

  6. Love this. Great use of the prompts, and I would have love to have been sitting on the floor to hear the stories.

  7. Love the story and the graphic, most appropriate for the time.

  8. Terrific. You have honed this skill!!

  9. Perfect Halloween story. Tingler describes most of your stories.

  10. I love this:) You carried the Halloween theme without being at all scary. I can just picture all the littlies sitting around your feet, eyes wide with excitement, little tingly shivers down their backs.
    I'd love a big old grandfather clock, but would need a suitable house. Something large and not haunted.

  11. Really fun and interesting story dear Annie!

    I still love the clock with bird lol

    your photo gave me fright,oooh!
