Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, July 05, 2017


July, 2017 Words For Wednesday prompts are being provided by Delores of MUMBLINGS.  Go to her site to find the words she has selected for this first week in July and to read other contributions.  She gave us a lot of food for thought.  Oh, that's what I will title my story:-)  Hope you will enjoy.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT by Granny Annie

It was Friday at the Senior Center and the crowd was small compared to the usual number. The dwindling attendance was caused by a huge menu change. It was now required that the meals consist primarily of organic foods. This type of food was very costly and the daily charge for lunch had to be increased. So much for what had been a bargain meal.

The State Health Department was to designate the food that could be ordered for the elderly. This meddling branded the State as villains. The government agency treated complaints as blasΓ©.  Their attitude was a way to amplify their true disregard for the Senior Citizens Community Center members.

It was not a surprise when Elmer Riley suddenly appeared spastic in his actions. He was crashing into the long tables. The sound of dishes smashing began to resonate throughout the dining room. The high cost and horrible meal had definitely turned on his anger valve causing his spasms. Elmer was in the spotlight as he insisted everyone write to the State Health Department and demand a return of good meals at a reasonable price. If the other members of The Senior Center would write, he would pay all the postage. It was important to get their message across. “Let the officials know what they have done to set you off”, Elmer demanded.




  1. Good for Elmer......government needs to take its hands off peoples lives.

  2. Bravo Elmer! I love the way you used the words and also the message. Did the government actually think the people had lived into their Senior years only eating organic foods? People this age lived through the spraying of DDT.

  3. Good on Elmer! And good on you, job! :)

  4. I really like it. Yay for Elmer. (Though I also like organic food).
    I am sorry you are having problems with putting a link in comments though.

  5. This is excellent and I feel for the Senior citizens. It's true we are often ignored or put upon in such nefarious ways. Give us our simple foods at a price we can afford is what I would be writing for Elmer to post.

  6. Why does organic always mean "Tastes like cardboard?"
    Hope Elmer gets some results!

  7. That is how the power of the voter should work. You go Elmer.
