Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, February 28, 2014


Cathy @ Stillwaters contacted me this morning to see if she was going crazy.  She was checking back on her comment to my last post OUTSIDERS and could not find it anywhere.  I checked and could not find it either.  Here is my response to her and anyone else who might think you were hallucinating about that post:

"Cathy, Yes there was a post titled OUTSIDERS and it appears it has been deleted.  The post was edited and it looks like it was deleted instead.  Every commenter had not had a response yet.  Thank you for bringing this to my attention and no you are not crazy.  I do remember that you had the same experience of being moved from spot to spot until, like me, you finally got a place of your own.  Don't know if you get the television show THE BIG BANG THEORY, but Sheldon has his own 'spot' on the couch and protects it with a vengeance.  Thanks for contacting me.  xo Granny Annie"


  1. That's so odd - what happened to it? I commented, too. Do you think Blogger removed it? There was nothing on it that seemed remove worthy to me.

  2. My comment was so insightful...too! ;-)

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Blogger is for me, the hardest blog place to leave comments on. I wonder if Wordpress is hard for those who are from Blogger?

  4. That's odd, I seem to remember seeing a new post from you in my reader and then when I came here, there wasn't. I assumed you removed it. It's not gone back into draft mode has it?

  5. Blogger seems to be having an almighty hissy fit at the moment. Entire blogs have been made inaccessible, and now posts.
    I too remember that one. Sigh.

  6. Anonymous5:34 PM

    After blogger made a mess of my blog a couple of years ago I'm so glad I made the move to wordpress.

    'heartinhand' mentioned commenting and yes sometimes (depending on how bloggers have their comment boxes set up) I do have to use the old blogger id to comment but try to leave a link - and I've heard some blogspot bloggers have to open w/press blogs to comment on w/press.

    Would be nice if life was a level laying field in the blogging sphere is it lol

    Annie did you look in your deleted or trash place on the dashboard?
    Take care

  7. I still have it in my feed, although it won't be there for much longer.

    As for commenting on a WordPress blog, one can, however, if you wish to have your avatar showing with your comment, you do have to sign up for a WordPress account.

  8. Well I read some of it in the list. Did you manage to get your exercise thingy?


  9. Annie,

    Every day I learn something new about you and find that no matter what you say I find myself nodding,"Yeah,me too!"

    I love Sheldon Cooper and the way he defends his "Spot". TBS has all the reruns of TBBT and I record 4 or 5 of them every night for when I need a good laugh.

    My favorite show, by far!

  10. Meaning "Blogger" as in Google, not you!

  11. I know that a lot of weird things happen on blogger. Sometimes in the list of people who read my blog, I see some names twice.
