Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This is post is number 22 in the marathon.

 Polly will not let Ashenhurst nurse so we have to bottle feed him.  He is flourishing and loving this supplement.  For the first few days I had to hold Polly still so he could get something to eat so at least he got some of mama's milk.  Finally she got too mean and was treating Ashenhurst terrible so we went to the supplement.  She lets Ashley nurse without any problem. Last year she had twins also and never even cleaned up the second one abandoning it immediately.  At least this time she paid a little attention to Ashenhurst and cleaned him up.

Here are the twins Ashley and Ashenhurst back at play once Ashenhurst has finished his breakfast.

Tina is outside the goat pen standing on a bale of hay wondering what is going on and why she can't get in the pen.


  1. Just as well get Ashley one of those 'Mom likes me best' T shirts right now. Marilyn always gets hers out when one of her brothers comes for a visit.

  2. So cute! I was about to ask why the mother wouldn't nurse Ashenhurst and then remembered they're goats - there's no explaining that, I guess.

  3. Aw, poor lil guy! Lucky for him that he has a foster mommy to make sure his belly gets filled.

  4. Sweet lil goats, beautiful too!

  5. OK, I just can't help it: AWWWWWWW! SO CUTE!!! There. I got it out of my system.

  6. Cliff -- That would have to be one tiny t-shirt!

    Lynn -- That is funny. Sometimes I find myself to stop trying to figure out all these weird animals.

    Sparkling Red -- The "poor lil guy" is actually getting fatter than his brother.

    Debbie -- These babies are so cute and I guess this pair will be all for us. The other gals would have given birth by now if the billy had worked his magic before he left.

    Riot Kitty -- I can't ever get it out of my system and I am really bonding with this needy kid.

  7. I wonder what causes the abandonment? Does she just feel overwhelmed? It must be time-consuming providing all the nourishment, Annie.

  8. I thought they were lambs at first. How weird that she only lets one lamb feed. I wonder why. That is so puzzling.

  9. I do wish there was a way to read Polly's mind about what she's doing... Are you able to milk a goat to get the milk or buying it? Hope it all goes well for Ashenhurst.

  10. Talon -- From what I have read, it is not unusual for a nanny goat to reject one in a set o twins. Polly had certainly proven that to be true. It is a bit time consuming but every bit worth the effort when you see how happy and excited this little fellow is when he sees me headed his way with some nourishment.

    Kay -- Baby goats look a lot like lambs. Both are delightfully fun to watch as they run and play and discover the wonders of the world.

    Snaggle Tooth -- Polly is not only a problem with her own offspring, she didn't like the other kids that were born last year and bullied and tossed them around too. But boy she sure protects the one of her own that she has chosen to raise. She is a good and protective mother to that one.

  11. Snaggle Tooth -- And yes, I could milk Polly but she is so mean it is better if I buy goat milk supplement at the feed store and give that to Ashenhurst. The lady at the feed store offered to buy this kid from me because she has a goat that she is having to milk. I couldn't bring myself to sell this sweet guy. I feel a bit selfish about that.
