Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I started out my day yesterday calling Print at 7:30 a.m. to find out what I needed to do for mother while I was in Tulsa. I’m happy to report details were taken care of and mother was very happy.

I drove to Tulsa and mother and I had lunch and a wonderful visit.

While in Tulsa, I drove to Promenade Mall, parked the car, went inside and walked around drinking in all the wonderful sights, smells, sounds of mall memories and raising kids, and buying all Chelle’s clothes at Express and my clothes at The Avenue. The Avenue is no longer there. I cried.

I called my friend Rhonda as I passed Owasso on my way to Tulsa and on my way out and missed her both times. I could only wave at her home from the bypass. I do that a lot now that I know right where her house it.

I am selling a few things on eBay buy not making any huge amounts of money these days.

I found bulgar wheat and pesto at Wild Oats in Tulsa. Made the pilaf recipe today with the bulgar wheat – after I spilled half the wheat on the floor. Guess I’m killing snakes too. Ask Elenore about scattering glass all over her kitchen.

I went to bed last night and FORGOT to put my chickens up. We awakened to Boss Hog crowing outside our window this morning. Luckily all ten of my chicken chlidren were alive even though one of the neighbor’s pit bulls was wandering around with them. What kind of a fowl farmer goes to bed without tucking in her livestock? Guess I'm just a bad flocker :-)

Last night we went for a drive and saw multiple herds of beautiful deer on the run.

Elenore and I paid for long distance breathing time this morning as we pondered all the work we should be doing.

Chelle called last night and has been having a most rewarding time at her workshop.

Tandy is shouting at the top of his lungs today, “Free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, I’m free at last!”

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