Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, December 22, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING...12-22-2024


Wednesday I had my MRI.  The results came in on my hospital web page the next day but none of it was explained. There has still not been any explanation from a doctor. It does appear that the only help to be recommended on the summary is physical therapy and/or a shot in my spine. Hopefully someone will call me before Christmas with a diagnosis and help coming very soon. Right now I would really like the prescription for a magic pill.

Thank you dear blog friends for your kind words these past weeks.  

My family is coming on Christmas Day.  Thankfully they are doing it all and this old granny gets to hold still and be celebrated in her chair. This sounds nice but I just don't feel quite ready for this treatment yet. My chickens still need me to get up and get going.  

Wishing all of you who celebrate a Happy and Merry Christmas as we await 2025's arrival.


  1. Hope you get some good answers soon.

  2. I'm glad your family is doing all the work for your Christmas celebration. Have a wonderful time with them!

  3. Glad your MRI is over - and hope you get some answers and treatment soon.
    Enjoy your Christmas.

  4. Thinking of you and hoping you get answers (and pain relief) soon. Our family came on Friday and stayed a few hours, bringing brunch with them. At 80, we appreciate not having to do the work! Rest and recover. Barb

  5. It's hard to wait. If you don't get calls, make some. My father, a retired OB/Gyn, always says it's not true no news is good news, keep calling until you get answers.

  6. I hear you, My hubby just spent one week in mayo Clinic and 4 weeks in rehab and not much to answer for. Glad you have your family close by and praying for you.

  7. I am so sorry to hear that. Back pain is incapacitating. I hope you will find answers soon and wishing you a speedy recovery. Have lovely time with your family.


  8. Merry Christmas granny

  9. Sounds like it will be a nice Christmas for you! That I love. Sorry about the results being posted without more to go on. Hope you hear soon.
