Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, September 04, 2024





"Let's move to New York" my grandson Dale told his wife.  

"Please!  Yes!" Susie replied with enthusiasm.

The happy pair made their move.  It only took them a short while to realize they did not BELONG. They were both lifelong Okies.  

Pricing the cost of living shook this pair to their toes. They admired the persons who were able to live on the STREET. Dale and Susie's homes had been on the old family farm and roughing it was familiar to them. They decided to buy a TENT .  There was space under an overpass on the highway.

They found a tiny cafe where they could afford a small BREAKFAST.  The couple ate there every day. It did not take long for them to grow tired of eggs and toast.

This pair admired the wealthy New York dwellers.  It appeared that everyone drove an Orient Red sports car. They both knew they could never survive.  

Susie called home and said "The police have made us leave our place on the street. We are ON THE RUN and hope to see everyone on the farm soon."


This month the words/prompts are supplied by River and can be found here

This week's words/prompts are: 

1. on the run 2. belong 3. street 4. breakfast 5. tent

and the image above.



  1. Oh I'm so glad they are on their way home again. Choosing a tent under a bridge soon showed them they were better off back on the farm. Bright city lights aren't for everyone. Great story.

  2. I guess city life is not for everyone. At least, Susie and Dale can go home again. Great use of the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. For some reason I cannot post on your story page or on River's page as a reply. Anyway I loved your story so very, very much. I am currently reading DRACULA by Bram Stoker and I believe you equal his writing if not better him. Hope you will get this reply.
