Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Saturday, September 14, 2024

SATURDAY VIDEO .. 09-14-2024

 Frank is a mule rider but don't think he is an Extreme Mule Rider...WOW

Oops I just saw that I posted an earlier EXTREME MULE RIDE last Saturday.  It truly amazes me and I don't know if Frank rides like that but I believe all three of his mules could do that...Bunny, Smarty and Jessie.  I only know that the brichens keeps the rider from sliding forward otver the head of the mule.


  1. The real hero in this is, of course, the mule!

  2. I don't know if they are brave or simply foolish. I guess it's a thin line, and people put it in different places.
