Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


This week the prompts from messymimi's meanderings:

fraud, weak, unaware, wind, cope, morning

and/or these not as common as they used to be words

fusty, prepense, clement

Charlotte/Mother Owl has also chosen Mouse Grey as the color of the month, which you may use as a prompt if you wish.



 Never Trust The Weatherman by Granny Annie


It was early morning.  I was awakened by a loud banging sound.  The wind had come up wild in the night.  Evidentially our local weather forecaster was a  fusty fraud..  I had always disapproved of his old fashioned attitudes. It was obvious he predicted the upcoming weather by sticking his finger in the air to determine direction. He had no prepense. He never planned beforehand.


My faithful dog Mickey was barking ferociously at the the door.  His actions implored me to look outside. The aluminum sliding barrier was loose from the latch and was banging over and over.  It appeared that the glass had broken and was scattered over the porch. I was unaware that our guests from the previous night had distracted me from locking the exit from the house when they left. The mouse grey sky held my gaze at the impending thunder storm.

This heavy gust of wind turned violent.  How would I ever cope?  I was very weak when it came to driving to work in bad weather.  Hi Ho Hi Ho it was off to work in the storm.  There were no clement feelings for the weather man who had failed our community once again. 

Hey River, I enlarged the font for you.  Hope it is easier to read.


  1. The weather man needs some education on weather. I like how you used the prompts, it makes it easy to understand for those unfamiliar with those uncommon words.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. One of my son thought of being a weather man. His reason is job you mess up, and not get fired.

  3. I like your use of the prompts, and the weather guessers in our area seem to want us to panic all of the time for every "weather event." I think they're afraid of being sued if they don't warn us like every storm is going to be "the storm of the century."

  4. Your font is very small today, I had to get my magnifying glass.
    Great story, though I'm sorry the glass and door are broken.
