Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, June 23, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING ... 06-23-2024

 Today I go to Tulsa to say goodbye to my successful, intelligent, lawyer grandson.  He and his successful, intelligent, OT, flutist wife are heading to New York City. There they will find their fortunes and their entrance into society, politics, etc., and still no children.  That is okay I guess.  So far I am a very happy grandmother but long to be a GREAT-grandmother.  So far all of my successful grandchildren concentrate on careers.  I remember having 8 grandchildren before my crying sister had one.  She just knew she would be dead before any of her kids had kids.  Suddenly she had 9! NINE! nine.  Who knows, perhaps  will have a great-grandchild before I die.

This should have been our first clue...

Onward and upward...

P.S. The friend bear hunter has returned.  More later...


  1. Thats good to have successful folks! Other than choice, it's astonishing, that infertility has increased worldwide. I know several couples in their early to mid 30s that are spending $20,000 a time to use IVF and many other options to try and start their family. And most employers' insurance does not cover the cost. It's emotionally very stressful. Linda in Kansas

  2. Enjoy your family time. That photo makes me smile.

  3. It may happen someday. I'm waiting for a first grandchild, which is due in autumn, but not pressuring any of my kids to have kids. It's best to just let things be.

  4. A cute couple! We're great-grandparents...finally made the club! You will to!
