Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Sunday, June 16, 2024

SUNDAY TALKING ...06-16-2024

 My new fellow has gone bear hunting in Alaska.  It is the first time and the longest time we have been apart since last November.  In the quiet I have pondered our relationship and I have missed my husband more since he died 11 years ago.  Perhaps out in the wilderness and the quiet of his tree my friend is doing the same and missing his wife who has been gone 3 years. We have enjoyed meals out and excursions around the area.  Constantly on the move, now I have enjoyed the quiet time alone and the ability to catch up on my reading, television and computer.  Not sure what to expect on his return.


  1. I am glad that you are enjoying some quiet time - and hope that his return is good for both of you.

  2. You may have to cook some bear steaks when he gets home.

  3. Everyone needs alone time, and together time.

  4. I will await news of how things go.
