Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Thursday, May 16, 2024

DID YOU KNOW...05-16-2024

WARNING...corpses story

 Some of the most popular subjects of photography in the 1800s were corpses. Many famous individuals were famously photographed after their deaths, like the Clantons and McLaurys who died in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. But it wasn’t only the famous who found themselves as posthumous models; regular people were often photographed after death also.

In this image, the dead girl on the left photographed with siblings



  1. I did know that. And also that the hair of dead people was often woven into bracelets.

  2. Definitely was a thing back in the day. I think it was a good way to memorialize the dead.

  3. I know they had special braces to place on the dead people feet so they could stand.

  4. I wonder if the older siblings had creeped-out nightmares from posing for that pic. Linda in Kansas

    1. Photographic Darkroom work, not all posed together.

      The halos around the faces of the live ones is a big clue.

  5. I did not know that and I think it's creepy to include a dead family member.

  6. Rather odd to us, but I would imagine it kept the memory of the deceased alive in the minds of the family.
