Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, July 18, 2022


What animal or insect bites/stings have you ever suffered? 



Oklahoma Black Wasp



  1. There have been many but the worst was 5 wasps attacked and stung my knee. I was in hospital for several day. Not fun at all.

  2. Animal--13 dog bites and one horse bite. Insect--lots of wasps, chiggers, ticks and the ever loving mosquitoes.

  3. Just about any insect that can sting or bite has gotten me at least one time.
    I was catering one year and the set up was a couple of tables on a lawn. It was early fall but still hot so I was wearing a free flowing cotton skirt . I was putting everything out for lunch when I managed to stand (unknowingly) right over the opening to a yellow jacket (ground wasp) nest. Before I knew what was happening about 4 or 5 of them flew up my skirt and started stinging me. Since I was in the middle of an event the only thing I could do was get into the van as quickly as possible so I could take off my skirt. I would up having about 20 stings, up and down my legs and even through my underwear. I am very fortunate I do not have allergies to them, but it did make continuing service difficult.

  4. I have been bitten by dogs and cats and birds. And by LOTS of insects, many of which bring me up in huge welts.

  5. Ewww, I grew up in Oklahoma and never saw one of those wasps. Chiggers and skeeters have mostly been the creatures to find me. Oddly, when working in a medical organization's office, I drank from a soda can. My lip started swelling quickly, and a doctor in the building told a co-worker to take me to the ER immediately. They think an insect put venom on top of the soda can in transport. IV Benadryl saved the day. I've always wiped off the top of soda cans since that incident. Linda in Kansas

  6. Had a bee sting at about 3 yrs old never forgot it

  7. I been lucky when it comes to bug bites. Not saying they don't bother me.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  8. As a small child I stood on top of an ant nest and had them swarming and biting all over in no time. Dad dumped me in the tub with cold water and a bit of kerosene to kill them off, then I must have had a proper bath after that to get the kerosene off. Somewhere in my forties I stepped on a bee and got stung, went inside and removed the sting, went back outside and stepped on another bee with the other foot! Fast forward several years and I got stung between my nose and upper lip by a native wasp, that hurt for a few hours, but they aren't dangerous like the European wasps.

  9. The usual villains--- but once I was riding my motorcycle up towards Lake Arrowhead in the Southern California Mountains a bee managed to get lodged inside my helmet on the left side of my head. Needless to say, he wasn't at all happy and let me know. That was massively annoying, especially since it was within an inch of my right eye. I survived. The bee didn't.

  10. We don't count mosquitoes, which are everywhere and bite everyone always.

    Wasps/bees/anything like that makes me swell up and need a steroid to stop swelling up. We had to cut my wedding ring off once because of a wasp.

    I've had several cat bites, some needed antibiotics, one put me in the hospital for antibiotics and i could have lost my hand/arm. Thank heaven for vancomycin (sp?). Warning, take cat bites very seriously.
