Do you have home remedies that you swear by?
What are they and what do they cure?
Winifred said...
- I haven't really got any as I'm quite lucky & don't have many
things needing them. One thing I could do with at the moment is a cough
cure. I picked up a cough & a streaming nose (I blame the Eurostar)
about 3 weeks ago & can't get rid of it. I hardly ever get a cold
& can't remember having a cough like this in my life. Old age I
suppose or maybe gadding around too much with air conditioning in hotels
& on planes.
I'm a bit of a believer in letting your body heal itself but I haven't got time now. I need a flu jab & we're off on a cruise in a couple of weeks so I'd better get shot of this quickly.
The doctor didn't want to give me antibiotics so she suggested an antihistamine & a cough bottle! However I think I'll give the brandy, honey & lemon a shot first!!!
- I only recently learned that leg cramps at night can be cured by drinking 2 Tablespoons of pickle juice.
I haven't really got any as I'm quite lucky & don't have many things needing them. One thing I could do with at the moment is a cough cure. I picked up a cough & a streaming nose (I blame the Eurostar) about 3 weeks ago & can't get rid of it. I hardly ever get a cold & can't remember having a cough like this in my life. Old age I suppose or maybe gadding around too much with air conditioning in hotels & on planes.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit of a believer in letting your body heal itself but I haven't got time now. I need a flu jab & we're off on a cruise in a couple of weeks so I'd better get shot of this quickly.
The doctor didn't want to give me antibiotics so she suggested an antihistamine & a cough bottle! However I think I'll give the brandy, honey & lemon a shot first!!!
I only recently learned that leg cramps at night can be cured by drinking 2 Tablespoons of pickle juice.
ReplyDeleteThe pickle juice works because of the salt content. If you find it more palatable, eat a small bag of potato chips. I swear by soaking in Epsom Salts for aches and pains. I don't know how it works, but it just does.
ReplyDeleteEpsom salt soaks supply magnesium which helps with the leg cramping at night. I also buy magnesium oil at a health food store and massage it on the bottom of my feet.
ReplyDeleteMy niece's friend is a pharmacist and she told me to take 100mg of CoQ10 twice a day to help with the cramping caused by my statin drug (Zocar) for high cholesterol (inherited - grrr.) :) It really works - I can tell, because I ran out for a couple of days and the cramps slipped back in.
ReplyDeleteGranny Annie, I 'swear' by Emergen-C; that fizzy powder you add to H2O for all types of colds...
ReplyDeleteCramp cures? Point me at them.
ReplyDeleteHot lemon and honey drinks are our go to. And sleep. And more than six weeks later I still have a cough.
I'm huge on echinacea for colds and quercetin for seasonal allergies. I just took some echinacea as just had a lady empty her lungs on me in a store.
ReplyDeleteI have just recently developed leg cramps so I need to try pickle juice. Thanks.
At all times eat lots of fresh fruit, fresh vegetables; good food, not junk food and as little processed food as possible...and drink water.
ReplyDeleteI am around a lot of sickness. A lot! In Canada, we have something called Cold Fx and I swear by it. I rarely get sick now and considering how many people cough right on me, don't wash their hands except once a week on bath/shower day I think that is impressive. I think it is a mixture of the Cold Fx and having a super immune system because I am around so much sickness. Germs fear me. That said, I am fighting a cold right now. No bare feet when you have a cold and keep toasty warm. The second my kids or husband start to get sick I make them put socks on.
ReplyDeleteSee if you can get Cold Fx in the U.S. It is late to be taking it at this point but it can't hurt. Oh! Also local honey. It contains antibodies for your area. It must be local and unpasteurized.
I do hope you feel better soon. In the end, rest and fluids really do work. And put those socks on.
I have diabetes and crohns disease and only recently read that these are signs of inflammation. So I'm now drinking a tablespoon of Bragg's vinegar (with the mother) before meals, along with eliminating all animal products. Surprisingly, I've been able to lower my insulin from 60 units (shot form) down to 26.
ReplyDeleteWhen I told my doctor I could no longer walk due to sharp pains in my hips, she said to take Turmeric (curcumin) and now I can walk a block and back. Not far, but better than nothing.
In summer I don't have much trouble with anything, but in cooler months I find resting my back against a hot water bottle helps to soothe just about anything as well as the aching back. The warmth relaxes first the back, then the rest of me. I don't get colds, but take antihistamines for hayfever about ten months of the year. I take a Cod Liver Oil capsule, a 1000mg Vitamin C and a spoonful of Malt Extract syrup every single day.
ReplyDeleteI do not I'm afraid, but I was interested in reading all the ones suggested by your other blogging buddies!
ReplyDeleteLove natural remedies for ailments ~ wonderful selection~
ReplyDeleteWishing you a special week ^_^
oh dear...have i got a list and being who i am, i tested most in the lab!
ReplyDeletevinegar - for cleaning and disinfecting (it really does kill most bacteria)
apple cider vinegar - gargling -it does the same in your throat as it does in on the counters
anise or fennel seeds 9 i found wide spread use in many cultures) - high in vitamin C and soothes respiratory distress (but it can upset the stomach in large quantities)
Hot peppers - for pain and colds (lots of vitamin C and helps the body create endorphin to remove pain)
this is a few...i think i have dome more on my blog
I was going to say hot lemon Theraflu for bad colds, but realized that is not exactly a home remedy. They say drinking cider vinegar fixes just about everything, and soaking in epsom salts fixes the rest. But I haven't tried it yet! Maybe I should do it proactively.
ReplyDeleteCookies and milk usually does the trick for me whenever I feel bad about anything.
Yes Lynn, everyone 'should' be taking CoQ10.
ReplyDeleteI'm very seldom sick so I don't take anything, well the occasional B12 tab when my energy level seems low. I've made it to 70!
ReplyDeleteBragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother. For all kinds of things!!! (google can tell you all about it.)
ReplyDeleteThink Lee's right about eating fresh & not processed food. I don't like processed food because of the high salt/fat & sugar content. However I know I don't drink enough water. I do on holiday but for some reason at home I don't.
ReplyDeleteI'm rarely ill so don't have any cures, however I'm trying cider vinegar on salads & it's great. Also love it mixed with honey. It's not as good as the brandy,lemon & honey but not bad!
You already know all mine! I love Arnica for bruises and muscle pain (a gel and also homeopathic pills from the Arnica flower). No junk food. Fresh air and exercise. Appreciation and meditation. I also think Magnesium is a wonder mineral - many people are low in it.
ReplyDeleteVinegar , cider type, 2 tablespoons I like to eat in cabbage to cure acid reflux for weeks! No heartburn here- free cure.
ReplyDeleteCoconut oil is chapstick, skin oil, hair conditioner, for dry weather. Swish it for teeth n gums also. Wish I knew about it 30 years ago...