Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, June 30, 2014


Question Of The Week 6-30-14

What is the worst physical pain 
you have ever had 
to deal with?


  1. I have been very lucky, no major pains and C-sections for the birth of my two, so no labor pains. I would say a UTI can bring you to your knees though and I had Dengue Fever many years ago where every bone and joint and muscle in my body ached for several days. The real pain is that of a broken heart, but it does heal.

  2. When I had Glandular Fever when I was at University. My throat. Ouch!

  3. I am sure I have had some pain that I felt was awful at the time but I've really never had any long term physical pain. Labor pains were no fun but all my kids were born pretty fast.

  4. Tabor
    The broken heart pain is ongoing. That is why I ask about physical pain. It is usually something we get over.

    LL Cool Joe
    Oh I absolutely cannot stand a sore throat. Bless your heart.

    Changes in the wind
    Had my son old school with lots of drugs. Daughter was an entirely different experience. That is why she was the last. lol

    Isn't is amazing how we get over labor pain memories. I also have gotten over my heart attack but know at the time I was hoping to go either way. Heal me or kill be but end this pain either way.

  5. I'm more "of" a pain than have one.

  6. Modified radical mastectomy with immediate TRAM Flap reconstruction after 4 months of dose dense chemo. On waking up from the anesthesia my first thought was "This was too much. I can't survive this."

  7. I am thankful that I have not had to deal with too much physical pain. Sometimes because of Asthma it hurts in the chest.

  8. Can't complain at all up to this point if you exclude a few serious tooth aches. However, I'm not comfortable at all with the presumption that I am over the hump! At my age you never know what's around the next corner...

  9. It's a 3-way tie:
    1. Having cryotherapy repeatedly on the bottoms of my feet was excruciating. Not recommended treatment anymore.
    2. Tooth ache previous to root canal work.
    3. Labor. Hurts but ranks low on the list b/c at least you get something great afterwards. :-)

    Luckily I don't have chronic pain anywhere; that would be awful.

  10. Anonymous2:43 PM


  11. Abcess on the fallopian tubes? Or the muscle spasms which wake me (shrieking) several times a week? Fortunately my memory is shot.

  12. Think my broken nose was the worst quickie pain but passing huge gall stones for 10 years (while misdiagnosed with an ulcer)and migraines were the worst chronic pains.

  13. I don't have children; I didn't go through childbirth - so the worst physical pain I've had was when I had a lower lumbar problem that laid me low for a couple of months back in the early Eighties. Other than that time, touch wood, I've been very lucky.

  14. It was the pain of a gallbladder gone bad - they kept misdiagnosing it, but they finally admitted me to the hospital. An awful time.

  15. It's a tie - fracturing/spraining my ankle, and healing muscle after having that thing inserted after the hospital. I am pretty sure they punched it right through a nerve.

  16. Great to find you again, Granny Annie! You seem to be as bujsy as ever! Time has slowed me down, and made life a bit more complicated, but hey! I'm still here!

    Pain - well, I forget some of it, good thing too, if you ask me, but I suppose spinal surgery was the worst, and although I had morphine it made me violently sick!

  17. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Stupid enough (and young enough) to go through childbirth 5 time lol
    Sciatica and associated leg/ lumbar back pain I had for a couple of years recently was horrendous. Thankfully all is well at the moment - hopefully, if I behave myself and dont do anything stupid, it will be a thing of the past.
    I do hope your broken heart is healing Annie (((hugs)))

  18. i have been fortunate where physical pain is involved--maybe a 6. Psychic pain--different story.

  19. I gave birth to two babies so there was some pain involved there. I'm not sure what number I'd assign to it, but it was pretty bad.

    As far as broken hearts go, yeah I broke a few in my time, but I never had mine broken.

  20. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Natural childbirth - 7 out of 10
    KIDNEY STONE - 20 out of 10!!!!

    Worst. Pain. Ever.

  21. kidney stone a 10, the headaches that came with the tumor that was removed 10 my head after the operation - 100!

  22. Tie between a kidney stone and a very swollen knee that had to be drained.

    Father Nature's Corner

  23. I've had some pretty bad 24 hr periods post-ops swelling- n allergy swelling like when my eye was getting squeezed by a sting one 4th of July spent in the ER- but I think accidents at work take the cake! N have to keep right on working-

    Metal going thru hands n arms- n 40 lb buckets falling off a pallet hitting my leg, n hitting my knees on cement has been pretty bad.

    But the large rock flying out the back of the mower which chopped out a hunk of shin-bone was probably the sharpest for longest I remember. I was about 25, n lived across town. A whole summer of pain.

    Don't start me on the teeth!

    I hope you are ok!

  24. Being sutured sans local after birth.
