Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, December 30, 2013


Question Of The Week 12-30-13


  1. It is my biggest desire to help others more in the coming new year. Perhaps the slightest encouragement to another can make a difference that will impact some major change in the grand scheme of things.

  2. A noble cause. Love me some Shakespeare, and your new pic too.

  3. Will travel to three different states in India as well as to parts of USA, Canada & Europe. Happy New Year GA !

  4. I love your goals and should add them to my list also.
    Mainly I hope my footprints don't mar the floor.

  5. What a great idea Annie. Imagine how the world would change if 100 other folks took this on for 2014..

    love you bunches and always look forward to visiting here.


  6. That's a wonderful goal for the new year, Granny Annie!
    There are so many things running through my mind for this upcoming year. The top priorities are easy. It's the "getting there" part that always requires the most thought!
    Happy New Year! (Rob)

  7. I keep trying to do better, but I think I gain the most satisfaction from working with children, and maybe will have to slow down on my gardening volunteer work and find something along that line. Let us know how your self-imposed-challenge goes.

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    They will probably be boot prints in the snow!
    I hope to travel more and see more and do more and laugh more and love more.
    Same old.

  9. I read the question and can't think of a single thing. My best footprints are already on the earth with footprints of their own. I raised my kids to be mature, responsible and kind adults. That was my goal. I feel like I accomplished it for the most part. Now I'm just here to play with the grandkids.

  10. I really hope to tread lightly. I'm ready for a peaceful, productive year. I wish you a beautiful 2014, Annie.

  11. What a profound question to face so early in the day (it is just after six here).
    I hope to tread lightly, and to continue to volunteer on the crisis lines and support other people with MS. And to read and garden more (if that is possible).

  12. I'd like to donate a small amount to a different charity each month. I even started making a list of charities.

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Right this minute I have no idea - you'll have to ask me in 12 months time lol
    Living laughing and loving are what I aim for but what guise they take remains to be seen
    Happy New Year Annie

  14. Just to be positive every day - as much as I can.

  15. Hopefully not a carbon one ;)

  16. I want to tread lightly on the earth, but shine light where I go.

  17. I'm still recovering from 2013. I can only hope 2014 will be a kinder year.

  18. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Nothing. I go quietly in the night. Lol.

  19. I'm trying my best to help and not hurt. I'm trying to leave behind children who will give to society and find happiness for themselves. I'd like to wish you a happy, healthy and content year, Annie. Thank you for leaving your kind footprints on my blog and making me happy throughout the year.

  20. Since I am so sick at the moment all I can think of is getting over this flu and hoping 2014 is better and kinder to my family than 2013. One of the best things about 2013, and I sincerely mean it, is that I met you through your blog.

  21. Brighid
    I always have noble causes, then seeing them through is the big part:)

    You indeed leave footprints with your fantastic photos of your travel.

    Arkansas Patti
    Hoping your footprints wont “mar the floor” sounds exactly like something my mom would have said.

    You leave such wonderful footprints in so many ways, with your decorating and with your fantastic babies.

    Rob and Monica
    Amen Rob! And Happy New Year to you and Monica, my favorite couple. You guys make me smile.

    Working with children is the way to make the biggest impact on the world. I truly admire those who do that.

    If you manage to laugh more, please share the laughter. That seems to be the thing I miss the most.

    Lisa (aka Mollie's mom)
    I have to say I like that answer a lot. My children and my grandchildren are indeed people to be proud of and they turned out great “despite” me. lol

    I definitely should “tread lightly” but fear I am planning to barrel ahead and will probably fizzle out mid March.

    Elephant's Child
    MS is one of those diseases that should have a cure by now. Where is research going? Keep up your good work helping. Maybe on Monday you shouldn't read my Question until well after 6AM. lol

    Brown English Muffin
    Excellent goal. I might try that myself. It will have to be a small amount but every bit helps, right?

    I will be back in 12 months to see how you did:) Happy New Year to you Cathy!

    You do that thing you do so well:)

    Riot Kitty
    Of course, not a carbon one. We know what will be imprinted in the middle of your footprint.

    You and I both are hoping for the same thing.

    I could curse 2013 but there are times I can look back and see some good in it.

    You are funny.

    Aren't you nice. Your blog is a great big old footprint of good stuff to ponder and enjoy.

    Aunt Betsy
    I am honored and will simply say “Back at cha my friend.”

  22. this year it was UK...another new country in 2014, hopefully!

  23. If you have a positive outlook you can always see the good amidst the bad.

  24. A footprint that allows me to get back on track to become what I was in 2012 as opposed to what I was in 2013.

  25. Carry on doing what I'm doing. it's just another date on the calendar really.

    Happy New Year to you!!!

  26. It's all going to start with deep, snowy ones, then hopefully less deep, in more sandy ones with pretty sunsets n sunrises...

    Don't think I want to know- I hope so much changes for the best!

  27. happy new year!
    I wish you all good things

  28. ashok
    Ah, what country will it be? Yesterday on the TV show Jeopardy, one of the contestants was named Ashok:)

    Oh, but that positive outlook is sometimes difficult to sort out from the rubble of the bad. I am going to make every effort.

    G.B. Miller
    Fresh 2014 for me. Only glancing in that rear view mirror to see where I've been but keeping my foot on the accelerator and moving forward. I shall change your blog on my sidebar to your newest one:)

    LL Cool Joe
    Oh Joe, not just another date. It is an opportunity for a new beginning. I believe in grabbing that brass ring as I go around again. And Happy New Year to you too, of course.

    Snaggle Tooth
    I am wishing you much singing in the sunshine for 2014 and much laughing everyday:)

    And all good things to you as well. How can you miss with Hope and Athena to cheer life on with you!

  29. I would like to help people with emotional problems. I would like to encourage people to talk about their problems and vent so things do not get bottled up in their minds.

    I hope that 2014 is nice and peaceful and full of happy events and fun times for you . Ameen.
