Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, November 05, 2012


Question Of The Week 11-5-12

Oops, I got so busy I forgot.

Which activities make you lose track of time?


  1. Computer, drawing, crocheting can cause me to lose track of time. Walking into another room causes me to forget any number of things...right now even blinking seems to make me forget! LOL

  2. Drugs can also do that. Blogging, photography, talking to someone I love, all make me lose track.

  3. Computer-graphic artistry- reading-talking-blogging.. I see now I loose a lot more time than I realized.. gee, thanks alot Annie lol

  4. You're reading someone who has spent his life on 'scan.'
    So it's hard to determine which topic...I need to put up another blog post about the new kennel building...speaking of the kennel,I wonder if the carpenters will be out today...I've got to take the ripper off of the big tractor and put it back on the disk...

  5. If I have a really good book to read it can get very late at night before I realize the time.

  6. Tabor -- What kind of drugs are you on? LOL Yes those things really occupy me especially talking to loved ones.

    Sonny -- Oops, sorry:)

    Cliff -- Now let us know if you were able to get past the planning to the actual work.

    Jeanie -- A good book can really get to me too and right now is a perfect time.

  7. Reading a good book and anything I do with family. There never seems to be enough time for family.

  8. I can't think of anything! My time is so ruled by the clock that I never really get lost in anything. Sad but true.

  9. I lost my reader and I have been OCDing on that! sandie

  10. Reading a good book or reading the news probably top the list.

  11. I can answer this question easily and quickly. It's the computer. I've been working for a couple of weeks on finishing my trip blog posts and digital photo albums. It's totally made me lose track of time. I'm finally finished and can once more catch up on what you all have been up to.

  12. Bonnie -- Isn't that the truth! One thing nice about recovering from illness, it gets family close by.

    LL Cool Joe -- That is sad! Let go and take a little break for a change.

    Chatty Crone -- What reader? How did you lose it?

    Riot Kitty -- What good book have you read recently? I could use a good suggestion right now.

    Kay -- You are always swamped with project and seem to have way too much energy for one person. I can see how you can lose track of time.

  13. Lynn -- It looks like reading is the primary reason for losing track of time.

  14. Blogging, reading, writing and, of course, forensic/crime shows and science fiction/horror movies on TV can make me lose track of time.
