Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Okay there is an explanation for all that stuff in my purse
Yep, I'm back.  We have had a multitude of experiences over the past week.  Mostly dealing with medical appointments and visitors to our home.  With so many stories to relate I don't know where to begin.  So, here's a funny thing that happened to me one day.

I was headed for town to pick up some tuna at the dollar store. My cell phone beeped and knew I had missed a call.  There was a voicemail from my brother telling me they were on their way to visit.  I quickly acknowledged their message and continued my journey to town.

Shortly after returning home I was looking for my cell phone.  Rummaging through my purse I could not find it.  Remembering the last time I used it I feared I had put it in my lap and lost it when I got out of the van.  Perhaps it had dropped inside the van so I checked.  It was not there.

Before driving back to town, I decided to call the phone and see if maybe it had been overlooked in my purse.  Sure enough, my purse started ringing.  I dumped everything out of my purse onto the floor and called again.  My purse was still ringing.  I squeezed my purse to feel for the phone, pulled the lining wrong side out and looked for a tear where the phone may have slipped under the lining.   No phone.  I looked at the pile of things I dumped out of my purse and decided maybe it was the pile of stuff that was ringing.  I carried my purse out of the room and called the phone again.  My purse was still ringing.

Suddenly I remembered that I had stuck the cell phone in my BRA.  I was ringing:)


  1. lol lol..

    I am so happy to see you back. You've been sorely missed.

    ringing bra huh--likely story:):)

  2. sonny -- I have done this before when wearing something without pockets and don't know why I can't remember. Needless to say our family and friends have gotten quite a kick out of the story.

    Thanks for missing me.

  3. Ha ha....good thing you were at home and not paying at the grocery store when you started ringing.

  4. Jeanie -- You are right on that!

  5. OMG I just had the biggest laugh at your expense. I have never put my phone there and now I don't think I ever will, lol.

  6. Bonnie -- Someone told me that there is a TV ad for a bra that has a pocket sewn into it:) Plus, in 1967 a "seasoned" woman used to reach in her bra and start reeling out a long silk stocking that had her money for deposit rolled up in it. The tellers could barely keep a straight face.

  7. Now THAT is laugh-out-loud funny!!!

  8. Marla and Steve -- Marla I'm happy to make you laugh.

    Ancient One -- Glad you thought it was funny.

  9. That is hilarious! Why did you put it there?

  10. Senior moment! That would be my excuse! You did a good job of retracing your steps- n telling the amusing story.

    I often load up alot of things to make one trip up the stairs, just to find I forgot something like the travel mug n have to go back down anyways!

  11. lol. Your story reminded me of Lily Tomlin's one ringy dingy, two ringy dingies...

  12. Just ring those bills. If I had some larger bells, I might have done that myself!

  13. Maybe you need to set your phone on vibrate as well are ringtone...just in case you stash it again:)

  14. hahaha! you are too much!

  15. When Marilyn's phone rings, that's the first place I check. Makes her mad.


  16. If I was going to set my phone on Vibrate I don't think I would waste it in my bra.

    I missed you, Annie.....Happy to see you back.

  17. What Nancy said, Now that's funny, I don't care who ya are.

  18. Riot Kitty -- I didn't want to be be fumbling around for my purse and didn't have a pocket on my shirt.

    Holland -- It is great to hear you laugh.

    Snaggle Tooth - So many "senior moments" these days. I know about leaving the travel mugs in the van. We do that all the time.

    cube -- Oh yes, that is the funniest bit ever done. We listen to laugh-out-loud radio and they play Lily Tomlin's stuff all the time. It still cracks me up.

    Tabor -- Do I understand the correct meaning of "bills" and/or "bells"? If so, mine aren't large or there would not have been room for the phone.

    Changes in the wind -- Good advice...and funny advice. Read on to see what my friend Nancy did with that suggestion.

    ashok -- Yes, I have been told that! Glad you laughed.

    Cliff -- Zing! Oh I laughed so hard.

    Nancy -- Cliff got me started with the belly laughs and you moved in for the kill.

    Cliff -- Amen!

  19. Hilarious. I keep mine in a pocket, and if I have no pocket, it goes in my bra. I've had some funny looks in stores when I pull it out. Love what Cliff said.

  20. kenju - Judy, I pulled my credit card out of my bra once and the clerk said that she women do that all the time, so we aren't the only ones. As I mentioned to Bonnie, there is bra made for that reason with built in pocket.

  21. "Fools Rush In" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. I hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

  22. Oh man, that's too funny.

    I've never stored anything in my bra. I don't have a significant bust, so if anything I think I'd only be able to store a few coins in there. ;-)

  23. I use my iPhone as an iPod to listen to books and podcasts, so it is frequently in my bra!

  24. Cliff n Nancy comments are so funny-

  25. Dear Annie - there's hope for us all:)

  26. Jerry E. Beuterbaugh -- Glad you enjoyed my post and thank you so much for the shout out.

    Sparkling Red -- I have never carried coins in my bra. Folding money yes, coins, no. I'm afraid I would jingle instead of ring:)

    Susan Adcox -- Oh good. I carry my walkman in my bra sometimes to listen to my audio books. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

    Snaggle Tooth -- Yes, sometimes I think Cliff and Nancy ought to perform comedy acts on stage:)

    Pat -- I guess that's about all we can ask...hope for all of us:}

  27. Oh my goodness! This is just too funny!!! I love it.
