Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

# 44 NO HOPE

This is post is number 44 in the marathon.

We called this bunch the Magnificent Seven before Hope was born. It would be another few years before she appeared and they became The Great Eight:)   These pictures are oldies but goodies.



  1. I'm going to need (and want) more details about who everyone is. Not names but know.

  2. That's a good lookin' bunch of family!

  3. The Great Eight - that's awesome! What a beautiful group, Annie!

  4. You need to share more pictures - I loved them. sandie

  5. Love the nicknames, "The Magnificent Seven" and "The Great Eight"! Good looking kiddos!

  6. Too cute! I have seven, but mine are more spread out than yours, I think. There's more than 12 years from youngest to oldest of my grandkids. Yours look much closer. Must make for interesting family gatherings!

  7. Those are cute pics! I was worried when I saw the post title.

  8. They are magnificent and great!

  9. Back Row: My son's oldest, Me, Ron's daughter's oldest, Ron
    Cliff -- Front Row: my daughter's oldest, my son's youngest, Ron's daughter's youngest, my son's middle child, Ron's daughter's middle child.

    Four in college now, Three in high school (sophomore, junior, senior). Of course Hope (not shown) is in grade school.

    Dani -- A good looking bunch of rag-a-muffins. They had been having some hard play time including running through the sprinkler.

    Talon -- They are all such good friends though the California bunch can't get together with us as much as the others.

    Chatty Crone -- Oops, be careful what you ask for. I can really get going with pictures of our mob.

    Debbie -- Truly magnificent and great

    Susan Adcox -- The seven are close but poor Hope (not pictured because not born yet) is stuck out on the end by herself. She is 7 years younger than the youngest.

    Riot Kitty -- Sorry -- there is a lot of hope just no Hope.

    Lynn -- There you've said it again:)

  10. I don't know hoq tou did it- Everyone looking at the cam n holding still. I always get one with goofy looks or head turned...
