Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Slim is very serious about her rides in the van.


  1. Slim is so cute! She is obviously pondering the state of the universe.

  2. we once had a dog that loved being in the car and whenever my mom would grab her purse, the dog sat by the door so she wouldn't be left at home.

  3. I always wonder what they are thinking. I imagine Slim is thinking: I love my lady and riding in the car. I hope there are treats when we get home. I wish I could get that squirrel over there.

  4. No, Slim is thinking, "This womans driving scares me to death but I hate just sitting at home."

  5. Now that is some good company:)

  6. Maybe she needs dramaine? Or feels claustrophobic? Ot thinks she's never gong to see home again? Or is gps tracking how to get back home? Bet she was going to the vet again... poor thing!

    Mischief alweays thinks she's going to die in the truck- I have to put her in a carrier, n way in the back- because it terrifies her n she cries very loudly! My old ex-cat Teri tho, used to sit next to me in the seat just like a good dog!

  7. Slim sounds like such a wonderful pet!

  8. As usual, all your comments are great. I fear that Cliff may have hit the nail on the head describing Slim's fears of my driving. However at least she doesn't correct me at every turn like someone I won't name. Lynn, you must know that Slim is a mighty protector when it comes to squirrels. She can terrify the best of them.

    I love taking her with me when I can because she enjoys her rides so much.
