Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Monday, March 07, 2011


How accurate is this chart in your life? .


  1. Pretty much the same although maybe I eat a little more and work a little less.
    I took modules in computer stuff and learned how to do pie charts. sadly I've forgotten how.

  2. It's me exactly...HOWEVER...I'm a man so I spend a lot of time trying to find things my wife misplaced. It wasn't me who put it in the bottom drawer in my big tool box out in the shop.

  3. Not very, but only because I put important things back in the same place every time.

  4. Lynn -- I am surprised because you seem so organized.

    Pat -- I definitely would need to exchange the segments for working and eating too.

    Cliff -- Yep, Ron is always sure that I misplaced everything too. I have learned not to touch anything with his name on it and could pass a polygraph on any accusations.

    Fireblossom -- I could sure use a dose of your organization. I intend to put things back in the same place but fail in the effort... because I forgot where that was!

  5. Not so much me...yet...but certainly my husband who has lost his camera but found his pocket knife after daughter called and said she found it in the guest bedroom!

  6. lol, Annie! I am the official "keeper of all things" or at least it seems that way as everyone always asks me where everything is!

  7. I would my my eating a bit more and looing for things a bit less. Teehee sandie

  8. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The eating should be much larger, the working and sleeping less large, and the looking for lost things should take up almost the entire circle! There should also be a portion that says, "trying to remember why I am in a certain place" lol. Have a great week.

  9. Sleeping and eating would be equal....'working' a bit less and 'looking for things' exactly as you have it!
    : )

  10. Not nearly as much sleeping, unfortunately...add a block for "swearing," too please. :)

  11. hmmm... not quite. I sleep less, I work less but then again I work more as I see painting and such as part of my work/life. I don't look so much for things, not because I do not misplace them but I have that fatalistic attitude that all these things will turn up again... so why waste time looking for them.

  12. Probably a little more eating and less working. Otherwise you have it down pat! What gets me is how I put things where I'll be sure and find them, and then I can't recall where I put them. That really is frustrating!!!

  13. I'd like to draw in the chart, but can't here so

    Sleeping - 5 to 6 hrs
    Working - 7 to 8 hrs
    Eating - 1 to 2 hrs
    Searching - 1 hr
    Getting ready
    for work again- 4 hrs

  14. I'm pretty good at keeping track of things, unless I moved the location during an emergency roof leak two years ago- Still haven't found sme of that stuff!

  15. Hmm...I think my sleep portion is less so I try to catch up over the weekend.

    A minute ago..let's was it again kekekek...

  16. Tabor – It is always a bonus to go looking for one thing and finding another long lost item.

    Talon – What a huge task to be the keeper of all things. I could never be entrusted with such a title.

    Chatty Crone – My fitness program required my eating plans to be the biggest part of my day’s work, so those wedges might be evenly divided. LOL

    southernlady64 – Oh yes, that trying to remember the hereafter as in “what am I here after?”

    Grammie – Looking things is crazy especially when we put everything someplace that wr will easily remember …right?

    Riot Kitty – Hum, I wonder how many people need more space for swearing? My spouse certainly would.

    Holland – If only I could adopt your attitude but most often the lost items are my car keys and that I have to find. LOL

    Rachel – But, as I said to Grammie, didn’t you put them in a chosen place that you would be sure to remember? Why can’t I ever remember those select places?

    Snaggle Tooth – Oh brother do I remember those hours of just getting ready for work! You added a good segment with that. Hope you eventually find everything grom the roof leak move.

    Shionge – I wonder what a weekend graph would look like? Ours would be the same for every day.

  17. my eating is WAYYYYYYY bigger than yours!! LOL
