Frankie and Slim

Frankie and Slim
Happy New Year

Friday, December 10, 2010


Once upon a time Christians celebrated the birth of Christ.

There was a time that exchanging gifts was a minor part of Christmas. The theme was "Peace on Earth, good will toward men".

The greed that now encompasses the annual Christmas holiday should be turned over to any and all who desire participating regardless of what it is called. Christians can always celebrate in their homes and churches in the traditional ways they choose.

Shame on the people who call themselves Christians and make it their business to cram their religion down the throats of everyone when we can simply give the ultimate gift of sacrifice on the behalf of others and live as we are taught, by an example of love.

No matter what the holiday is called, there will always be Christmas:)


  1. It's what I try to do every day. I learned that from a wise friend - show your love by how you live.

  2. Changes -- Thanks for the Amen. That is my sermon for the season:)

    Lynn -- I am guessing that you demonstrate a great deal of love by the life you live.

  3. I'm thinking that Peace Dude would be appalled at what Xmas has become. I'm not a Christian, but I'm all in favor of good will and kindness, and not so much on greed.

  4. Fireblossom -- Some of the nicest,kindest people I know are not Christians but they do more good works and show more kindness than many of my so-called Christian acquaintances.

  5. I've never been one for organized religion, but I do believe how we live our lives each day is how to make the world a beautiful place...kindness and compassion shouldn't be reserved for one day on the calendar. The spirit of what Christmas represents has sadly been waylaid...

  6. The commercialism of the holiday is a travesty. We tend to focus larger gifts on Birthdays, n smaller for the holiday for the kids. The grown-ups don't need any. I am giving out a color copy of some family pics tho! N some home made candy.
    Before my daughter had chidren, she used to hold a Baby Jesus party each year. Toy gifts were brought, n donated.
    When I was growing up Thanksgiving was always spent making candy facors for Pine Street Inn.

    Folks today are very selfish- n some are over zealous with the preachy tone. I work with folks like that-

  7. Talon -- You certainly live the example of making the world a beautiful place.

    Snaggle Tooth -- I am afraid that this blog post took on a bit of a "preachy tone" also. Bravo for your daughter having a Baby Jesus party. How clever.

  8. Granny Annie ~ "Peace on Earth, good will toward men". AMEN! ~ jb///
